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interesting and questionable observation about blowing up bridges with stuff on them

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I have had the game since 2 weeks after it came out, and guess what? i just find out that u can blow up bridges about 1.5 weeks ago!! what a game? its nice that u can find something new about it this long after its release

Anyway, i set up a test senario with me as the allieds. The map was small and the germans got 1 king tiger , 1 tiger late, and 1 hetzer. All of them are Veteran. The king tiger is placed on top of a wooden bridge and the rest of the 2 german tanks are placed on top of a tall stone bridge. Both bridges are blocked off by road blocks and set up is pad locked , plus i put 2 big vic flags on them just to make sure the AI won't move them!! (worked quiet well) oh i also stripped the tanks with no ammo

As the americans, i put a forest between the padlocked king tiger which is closest to the americans and to make sure it won't shoot at my Arty observers with MGs smile.gif so, the american got all these Arty observers, from 25 pdrs to 105 mm to 155 mm even lots of 240mm and 8 inchs! any thing u can name! there about like 50-60 of them!! and all elite to make sure the time delay is minimal and accuracy is max

Anyway the battle commenced, ofcourse, the 1/2 the arty targeted the wooden bridge and other half the stone one. The interesting fact is that when the arty destroyed the wooden bridge, the King Tiger on top of the bridge disappeared. ...... it was identifyed and alll, and it is just gone..?? no knock out nothing... i dunno what this is suppose to model?? tank sink under water??

If it is a wooden bridge, shouldn't the water be like shallow underneath and the tall stone would have big rivers like the nile running under them?? And from a book i've read, called Tank vs. Tank by Kenneth MACKSEY, the info about the tiger tank was it was the first german tank fitted with deep wadding capability... smile.gif so, shouldn't the tiger stay alive in a shallow water and continue to fight ? (that would be awsome)..

Also the other interesting fact is that (of course by now all my arty is targeting the poor Tiger I and Hetzer on the stone bridge) the two tanks on the stone bridge both immobilized and one with gun knocked out! (the hetzer).. and guess what, the tiger abandoned after another turn and the Hetzer just sat there and waited out... what a courages crew!!

well would be thankful to get an answer on the tank on top of bridge disappearing thing when bridge is shot up..

Thanks all -- what a great game

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I've done a fair amount of testing with destroying bridges, having armored units on bridges when the bridge is destroyed, and even running tanks at full speed downhill on a paved road toward water with an ambush by guns from the other side of the river just at water's edge. I was curious about water and non-amphibious units on the latter case.

When an AFV (or bunker/pillbox) is on a bridge tile that is destroyed, it disappears at the end of the turn. Even if it were shallow water, I'm sure even amphibious units would not fare well falling into the water at unpredictable angles. So CM has them disappear under the water. Glub glub.

Incidentally, in that last test of mine, the knocked-out Sherman was partially submerged and stayed that way.

By the way, when AFVs have no ammo/damaged gun and are immobile, the crews will/may abandon (with ammo, not "LOW") since really there is little they can do but get killed. I'm not sure if it a certainty or probability since it has not happened to me often.

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