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Posted, Gordon"s "Mud Tutorial" on modding

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Gordon has given the ok to post his "Mud Tutorial",(it's a great help in modding). He asked that if you download it, if you could contribute to the CMMOS, "Pig Pen" line of dirty Pz,if you come up with a nice dirty Pz. You don't have to,{but seeing as he spent his time writting it up, it would be nice}. I and some others use it a lot. It has a lot of good info in it, and to be honest, I think it's one of a kind, there isn't a whole lot of modding info out there for CM. Itis here http://cm.cozog.com/

under "Others" heading

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Well, presently I'm a "dial up monkey"my DSL is out, so I tried up loading it at the data base and crap, it took so long it kept timming out, so i had to wait for a day where there weren't so many folks downloading from the data base.{Dial up bites)

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