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Prep bombardment...full ammo usage?

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I have just started the Blitzkreig operation against another person, i thought, 'ah start of Barbarossa, get all guns to open up for a prep bombardment (as you'd expect), however what i didn't know (cos i've got crap pamphlet euro manual) is that once you've assigned the target from your spotter, he will not only fire on turn 1 but subsequently every turn after until all arty ammo is expended, you cannot cancel after turn 1 or alter target placement!....surely that is cobblers !?..or a bug? In reality you would tell said batteries to fire on target for say 2 mins then ceasefire/re-direct. I am now left with no arty support for the rest of the battle, which is not good for an assault!! :mad: Why is this moddelled so??...and can it be fixed in a patch?

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Actually, the depiction of prep bombardment is pretty accurate given the present limitations of the game engine (a lot of things about artillery could be improved). Try to keep in mind that not all armies had the same flexibility in artillery employment that the Western Allies did. This is especially true of the Red Army, BTW.


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