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Elsdorf SUCKS!!!!!!!

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For those confused by all of this, let me try to explain.

The designer has no absolute control on just exactly where the AI will place reinforcements. About the best he can do is assign a small area with a reinforcement icon.

Now how the AI displaces them exactly is beyond the control of the designer. You can't lock in reinforcements as you can units that begin the battle on the map.

If the human player is American, more than likely the original reinforcement designation works okay.

When the human player is German, however, the AI has the uncanny way of setting itself up to cover that lane of reinforcing and plaster the Germans before they can move.

So to compensate for that problem, I moved the reinforcement icon to another spot less obtrusive for the AI as the Americans.

Then came the problem with the AI spreading the reinforements out with total disregard to the terrain in which it was placing them. That has since been fixed.

So you see, it has been a process whereby the scenario and the game itself has been modified once and again. This happens. Elsdorf is an example.

Its all fixed now. Fernando got the earliest copy and not the revision, hence he was pissed. Now he is fine. I am fine. The scenario is fine.

Case closed...


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

But but Bill...I am not a Raider or Rune! Where does that leave me???? Oh that's right. I keep forgetting... I SUCK...

He also says my Site sucks in so many words too since he isn't to be held accountable for actually READING which scenarios are posted on it.

When I grow up, I wanna be just like Fernando...

Guilt free and fancy free...


Thanks MadMatt for your kind and polite message. Hope you grow really soon and hope you notice I'm a bit sarcastic. I didn't want to post amore messages because I think the forum must be used for making CM better and not for stupid things like quarreling and insulting. I don't want to get member status with this kind of messages besides. Unfortunately you've attacked me and I think its a bit coward to do so when I was retreating from the topic. I just complained about a scenario and labeled it but I didn't insult anybody. Please, DON'T PUT words on my mouth that I never pronounced. If you say "MadMatt, Rune and/or others suck" then they're your own words, not mine. Check my messages. I never said those words.

BTW I love your web page and I think is a must for any CM player. I check it daily. I download loads of information and mods and am looking forward for your MDMP-2 pack but I don't download scenarios because I've my doubts about their playbalance. The Elsdorf revised scenario was hidden among dozens (about a hundred in fact) of other scenarios submitted by other players. There wasn't a sign at first glance which indicated that it was the official revision of an official scenario and not another scenario submitted to you. If you've revised versions of the scenarios included in the game and they are the official ones then better if you place them in a different page or include them in future patches.

I have noticed that some of the people involved in the development of this game is very agresive and attack any criticism like a wolf pack . SOME (I stress this word: SOME) of you seem a bit fundamentalist about the game. Yes I know you worked hard and it's a bit hard for you to see newcomers blithely criticising your work but I think you must learn to live with it if you want to grow as a game community. Learn from Wild Bill attitude. He answered me in a polite and kindly manner and I'm grateful with it. He did more to calm me down than anyone else and I'm checking his scenarios with growing interest.

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Guest Madmatt

Better watch who you go calling a coward there son! Them's fighting words. I was just having a little fun with ya.

Now, for the record when I read someones mesages I don't care if it's there first or five hundridth message. It's what they say which I judge and I found your first post rather insulting, rude, discourteous and abrupt.

Your fifth post you went off and insulted the entire beta test team without really knowing how things were tested. You can't spout off at the mouth like that and not expect to ruffle a few feathers.

To be honest, my post was actually meant to keep Rune from getting any more mad than he was already by injecting a little humor into the thread.

Now, I am glad that you found the revised version and it's playing good for you, but be advised that when you throw around words like: "SUCK", "BTS MUST", "I'm suspicious about other scenarios now" and "Please, playtest all scenarios CAREFULLY before submiting them to BTS" then be prepared to defend your position as you WILL get our attention.

We reap what we sow and rudeness will often times be met in a like manner.

Now, lets all drop this matter and go play some Combat Mission!



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 09-03-2000).]

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