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am i the only one left who has not recieved the pre-order CD ?

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** this is NOT a whine **

i am one of the uber-early birds who have pre-ordered. my wife thinks my insessant calling home to check if the postman has arrived with the package every day since sept is ridiculous.

anyway, matt has agreed to resend the package to Singapore, that was 2 weeks ago...

keeping my fingers very crossed indeed.

in the mean time, I have completed two books Stanlingrad and Russia's Heros (sp.) and honed in the skills in CMBO, playing numerically smaller but veteran german units agains allied forces.

Has the chap from Manila received his copy ? or the Chappies from Downunder received theirs yet ?


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Is it true you can buy illegal copies of any software you want over there? Where do they get the original to copy?

Things that make you go 'hmmm...'

Hope it arrives tomorrow (today?) so you can sit back, pop a beer and chase cyber soldiers around the map.

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you can't buy illegal copies of sw in singapore anymore. good ole BSA cracked down hard on the vendors about 5 years ago. I mean, have you heard of folks going to jail for selling illegal microsoft windows ? only in singapore. land of the clean and beautiful, so clean that chewing gums are banned.

for illegal stuff, we go where everyone else goes to, kazaar, gnutella, hotline, carracho, KDX, web, ftp etc.

of coss, i doan advocate pirated sw (being an mac reseller myself).but then abandonware (old 80s sw) is another thing(http://mac.the-underdogs.org/)

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