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DeSobray Op

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I have only ran through two other scenarios as I am new to this great game. With that said. I chose allied side in the deSobray Op orders as I understood them were hold at all costs (Noville and the Road to Bastogne). Six battles linked would be the duration. The first scenario started with Wehrmact forces unexpectedly further to my right and rear than thought so lost three tanks on first minute. After initial shock though I finished scenario 1 by KO'ing virtually all Axis armor on three fronts and giving their primary force of Inf. shell shock. Thought I'd done pretty well by turn 15. Nary a hobnailed boot had touched the streets of Noville nor the avenue to Bastogne. So imagine my redfaced shame when the conclusion screen announced Axis Major Victory and the operation was cut short the remaining five scenarios???? Can any one help with my confusion??? I have completed two other operations and results were as expected. Allied Minor Victories in both which seemed quite expectable.

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Col. The gentleman that made that scenario has fixed that issue. The revised scenario is available from Madd Matt's CMHQ.

Wild Bill Wilder created it and he recognized the problems and fixed them.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks Actor. Col. HT, the problem comes from the Germans infiltrating on your right flank probably and reaching the edge of the map. From the hill on your right, some of the Germans move straight down and around Noville.

Even though you trounced them, they got past you.

CMHQ can be found at


That takes you directly to the depot. It is a long wait sometimes.

If you wish, I'll send a copy of the revision directly to you. Just post a note here saying it is okay.

Wild Bill

To avoid this problem, the operation has been redone and does not suffer that problem now. It can be downloaded from CMHQ as Actor said.

I have also requested BTS to post a zip file containing this operation, a revised Carentan and a few other scenarios that have been fixed (Nijmegen, Elsdorf, Ham and Jam) so that they play better for you.

I do hope that they will post this soon.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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