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Mini-AAR#1: Gefechtsaufklaerung as Germans

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I played this scenario this evening and I enjoyed it very much, and with no modifications, I won Total Victory.

(** disclaimer, I am new to wargaming and am not an expert in tactics, my post reflects this **)

Thought I'd share the scenarios:

---- spoiler ahead (of coss, this *is* the scenario forum ---

basically, back in June 1941, as a recon group, you are tasked to "check out" (attack) a small village in Lithuania.

Your small force comprises of veteran platoon with 50mm motar and a HMG, and accompanied by a Stug IIIB, one half-track 251/10, one 75mm Infantry Gun and lastly one 105mm FO.

What is waiting for you in and around the village is a company of Russian troops with HMGs, Tank Hunters, Motar and a 45mm AntiTank Gun.


Planning Phase


This is a small map with undulating surface, you are at a corner of the map (high) while the road leads to a depression (low) before a sloped road block and a hugh heavy building (church on a high ground) and behind is the cemetery. You are in an area which has Scattered Trees but not much Concealment or cover.

It is likely that most enemy troops will be concentrated in the village, mostly in the Church, it is the only tall heavy building ( and where the flag is )

It is also likely that troops will be stationed around the road block leading to the village.

Plan#1: destroy the church and surrounding buildings with as much of 105mm power. Also complement the arty with the 75mm Gun.

Plan#2: Use 75mm Gun, HMG, Motar as suppressive fire to the village. Use Platoon to support the 251 and IIIB up the village.

Plan #3: Advance the 251 and the IIIB up the village through the right side (no barb wire or obstacles). capture the flag.


Turn 0


Armed with this plan, I positioned the 251 and IIIB along the road among the scattered trees. Behind, I positioned the hmg. motar ang 75mm and fo. towards the left, i position my platoon.

I made sure that the 75mm could target the building as well as many of the buildings as possible. Ditto with HMG and Motar, but different buildings and cross arc of fire.

For Turn #1 planning, I used Artillery Bombardment (initial bombardment and channot be changed later) as well as 75mm to destroy the church.

My troop hides for the next few turns except the FO and the 75mm Gun.

After turn #4, 2 adjacent buildings + Church is destroyed. Machine gun fire erupts from the church and the nearby buildings.

As my 251 and IIIB advances, it draws more fire from within the church. The 251 reverses back to the orginal position.

I continue to suppress the fires from the building and use the 75mm to destroy a building on the right housing a HMG group.

In turn 6 onwards, an enemy platoon appears on my far left and starts firing motar and rifle fire, my platoon returns fire and supress the platoon.

One squad advances together with the IIIB and Half-track but is soon stopped (by enemy fire) on the right patch of trees before the roadblock.

The IIIB and 251/10 approach the right fence perimeter with no problems, however, molotov cocktail and MG fire stops the 251/10, again the 251/10 reverse down the slope. The IIIB manages to knock off a squad of troops hiding behind the road block.

By turn 15, only enemy fire comes from the far left, the church is in rubbles, and the occupants suppressed. My 251/10 manages to climb up the slope where the IIIb is using the 75mm l/24 to flush the enemy out of the buildings.

Game stops after turn 16 or 17 (I forget). 51 axis troops okay, 51 allied troops okay with 100+ casualties. One axis troop killed and 15 allied troops killed.

Total victory is achieved.

A couple of points:

- had I chose to advance the AFVs along the road towards the left, they would have encountered tank hunter groups and the 45mm gun.

- I rushed the AFVs too soon up to the Victory Flag and put them in danger of molotovs.

- My troop (less one squad) was reduced to protecting the left flank. No sure if this was the most efficient way to deploy the troops, afterall the IIIB did not have a MG and depended on the 251/10 to provide MG fire.


[ December 02, 2002, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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Laxx, great AAR.

I'm a newbie too and I enjoyed reading your description of a much more successful attack than mine! I also got a (total or maybe major?) victory but it was my second try and it cost me a lot more dearly (I tried to suppress from the left and move a few squads across the wheat since my first attempt at taking the roadblock was dead ended by the AT gun. I was late using my artillery which I figure is my big mistake. Posts like yours really help oepn my eyes to different approaches - thanks!

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