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Bunker facings

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I created a scenario with lots of German bunkers on the east edge facing west. Playing as the Germans they face east,but when you play as the allies they all default to a northern view.Thats not good considering they can't see the advance. Anyone else have an issue with bunkers in the scenario editor with 1.02??

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I think your problem has got to be with the "side alliances". Probably you set the portion of the map behind the bunkers as an entry zone for the allies or something.

Also, if you don't want this to happen just padlock them and simply don't let the AI move them ( it's an option when starting a game vs the AI)

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I have that side set for the Axis. I have also played as the allies with the set to scenario defaults and thats when all the German bunkers face north.Playing as the Germans they face West with no problem.

I will try the padlock and see how it goes.Thanks for the response Fionn.


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Ok,I am never posting a reply at work again.You were right.I came home and realized I did have the map edges wrong in the parameters.

Thanks for the reply and making me double check.

Don't I feel like the stupid one now.

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This is one of the main reasons for the padlocking feature, Loki. Bunkers, barbed wire, mines, the AI has the capabilit to fix up its forces as it wishes, UNLESS you override it with a padlock command.

Like any override, it can be abused. This is one time when it comes in very handy.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester/Designer

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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