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CM "Concentration"

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I haven't had the juevos to give this a try in an actual game but thought it was an interesting concept....

I replaced the unit nationality icons with a pink transperancy bitmap. As a result, in game you either SEE the cm unit or you don't; no more reminders of where a unit was/has been/might be/etc. Now you field commanders have to REMEMBER where the units on the field have been observed, just like our real-life predecessors who didn't get a big Icon-From-God placed on the landscape.

"Did I see a squad over there or was it a platoon?"

"Was the Panther behind THAT hill or THIS hill?"

For those of you mentally adept, I imagine it might provide an interesting change of pace. Perhaps I'll get up the guts to give it a shot with my regular opponents. For those of you who give it a shot, tell me what you think.

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