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State Farm 79

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I got a new scenario I cranked out yesterday.

Decemeber 8th, 1942

The Soviet 1st Armored corps has crossed the Chir River and smashed aside the left flank of the 336th Infantry division. They have occupied State Farm 79 well into the rear of the 336th. 48th Panzer corps HQ decided that the threat needed to be eliminated quickly before the Russians get reinforced. The infantry division commander asked that 11th Panzer attack the village at once from the front. General Balck rejected that plan, and decided to use the high ground to the west and north of the village to screen his tanks who would hit the Russians in the rear, while Panzergrenaders, pioneers and flak units kept the Russians pinned down from the south and east.

Its a huge scenario, so beware. But I do need playtesters to try it out. I'd really like to get the scenario tweaked for pbem matches but I'd also like it to be playable from either side against the AI.

So who wants to try it out?

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