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Citadel scenario - use of AT guns

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After trying in vain to stop the Germans with those pesky 45s numerous times, I finally succeeded by setting up two positions with AT guns that gave each other covering fire - the ambush was triggered by 4-6 guns lying on a reverse slope from second to last hill that fired to right flank of enemy tanks descending the same hill while at the same time remaining guns opened up from the top of the hill closest to the soviet side of the map. And I finaly suceeded in getting a minor victory after time ran out.

What I would like to ask is whether or not such setup of AT guns is historical and general pointers in AT gun positioning in maps with little wood cover, such as the Kurks scenario in the demo. Thanks.

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Setting up AT guns to fire into the flank or enemy tanks is absolutely historical!! smile.gif

Here's what I was doing:

4 AT guns in a group in the rocky ground on the Soviet right side of the map on th emiddle hill. they were positioned towards the Soviet side of their patches of ground so they couldn't be seen from teh front slope of the hill - thy all faced inwards.

4 AT Guns in the woods and rocky ground on het other side of the map, similarly facing inwards and with limited arcs covering jsut the top of het hill and the reverse slope as much as possible.

2 AT guns on the last hill left in their original positions.

2 AT guns in hte wood at teh German end of the map on hte Sovier left. If you get down to view 1 or 2 there's a little rise betwen the wood and the rocky ground there. These 2 AT guns were set up in the wood and faced backwards towards the main Russian lines but they couldn't see much.

when the German tanks went past them and were in the valley at teh bottom of the middle hill I manhandled the guns onto the rise - just far enough so they could see the top of the 2nd hill.

As the Germans approach the top of the 2nd hill I open fire with ATRs and MG's to button them up.

When the Germans got to the top of the 2nd hill I opened fire with everythign - it's a minute of utter madness - you wouldn't believe how many hit messages can be displayed on screen all at once!! smile.gif

There's no point replaying the move because far to much happens - I jsut look at how many tanks are KO'ed and how many guns are left! lol

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