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First few Battles...

Guest kking199

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Guest kking199

New to CM, received on Tue 10/11. Played the Demo many times. I have read nothing about specific scenarios. My experience so far... (Warning this is a long one)

*** SPOILERS ***








Elsdorf: Playing as Allies, first love the ambient noise of the wind howling, really set the mood. I know from reading the notes that I will have my hands full with the Tigers. I am unable to "place" any units in setup..?!?!, did I do this somehow? So we start, I am moving units up pretty much across a wide front, will concentrate on the hill to the left, directly in front of the secondary town where the Jerries are. Do not move my Priests or mortar. So round 2, the AT guns open and up and there goes my 2 Priests and a Mortar carrier, I happened to be moving the other Mortar. I was trying a wide flank on the right thru Elsdorf with an M8 and my 2 Jumbos. I knock out the concentration of units to the right of the town with Arty and a Sherman. I have not seen a tank yet, assuming in town and behind it. Get my Pershings, Inf moving up ok. Then I get flanked by 4 Tigers on the left side... yikes! Good way to lose a Pershing, Chaffe, and 75mm SP in 15 seconds. At this point I know I am in troube and then some tanks appear in town... Well I make some tactical errors, but am able to take the two VL's two the right in the hills, heavy casulties though, my wide right armor flank works ok, but the presence of a presumed Tiger blunts it, I do however get a Pz IV with my M8!! Sweet! I also manage to knock out 1 Tiger, with a flank shot, but lose all but 1 Pershing, my head to head duels end in death. So I lose, tail between my legs, Minor Axis Victory. Spanked. I feebly say... "next".

Wiltz: Playing as Allies, cool little map, great effect with the snow falling. I decide to let them come to me, so I set my trap and start. I did a poor job of placing my 57mm, and lose it almost immediately with no kills... not a good start. However one of my Shermans is hiding between two buildings at the front of Wiltz to the left of the main road... I did not realize how good an ambush spot this was... he ends up getting 6 armor kills, those Jerries were in a hurry to get some sleep I suppose. I take care of the light armor thrust on the left side of the map with Art and Armor then decide to sweep and flank to the right. I do a large end around from the left flank with 1 M4 and end up behind the Jerries, I nail his Panther in the derrier... Total Allied Victory, whose the man now!! I temporarily forget the fact that it is generally easier to defend in CM than attack, I mean it is just conjecture... right?!!? Ok, feeling better about myself now. I can see this map being a bugger with PBEM, for either side. Ok, feeling confident now I try another.

Sunken Lane: Allies again, is there a trend here? Actually we are Brits, never played as a Brit before. And what to my suprise do we have but my beloved FireFly... (brief flashback to CC:ABTF). Ok, this map looks interesting. The Bocage dictates strategy to a degree here. I decide to basically split into 4 groups, 2 will traverse up the lane using trees as cover, flanking the wheat fields. The other 2 will flank wide, with a single platoon going far right and pretty much a company going left. I am not quite sure what to do with my tanks yet, because of possible terrain issues. Let's see what these Tommies can do. My far left flank attack is stalled by AT team, good Mortar work, and some MG's. My far right flank, at this time w/o Armor is also stalled. My movement up left side of lane is also hampered my MG's, but my move up the right side of lane going better, discover Armor can get thru Wheat fields, end up with two tanks here covering the right field off the lane. I decide to support my far right flank with one tank, I move the other two to far left flank attack to help kick start the stalled attack, thank goodness they ran out of mortars. I am able to begin flanking the first field on the right side from the lane, in fact Jerry moves men from far right field to help stop this move, hmm.. I think, clever AI. My Reinforcements arrive... I send entire first group up lane to exploit my flanking move from the lane. My second group of reinforcements I split in two, one platoon goes to the far right flank while the rest move up to support my flanking move in the right wheat field off the lane. My far left flank attack is proceeding with assistance of tanks, resistance crumbling. My right flank from the lane works well, I roll up Jerry, but not without a good fight. Movement straight up the lane, to the right turn, is hampered by MG and Inf, we lose a M4 here, but clean it up with a FireFly. My far right flank attack is able to proceed due to armor finally arriving and movement of Jerry to bolster his faltering position where I am flanking him from the lane, this all happens pretty much simultaneously. I think I got this one licked when off in the distance on top of the hill I notice something.. Yikes, more Jerries! Looks like at least a company! D*nm... The bulk of my men are on the right side of the lane, 70-80%. We are just mopping up the big flank from the lane when the German reinforcements arrive. Jerry moves fast down the hill, I realise that he wants the tree line on the right side of the lane, and if he gets it I probably will not succeed. I have been moving armor up far left flank, 3 tanks. This keeps him honest but my deepest probing tank gets a panzerfaust in the face. I then have to race my men from the tree line at the wheat fields to the tree line at the lane to beat Jerry to it... I also send a Firefly flying up to the top of the lane, just past the trees, and then to the right to force the action, a M4 replaces his position at the bottom of lane to cover it when Jerry crosses. We meet in the trees on my side of the lane, intense fighting occurs, but we overwhelm with superior numbers and Tommy grit! I continue armor attack on far left flank bolstered by 1 more tank, and then just roll Jerry up with my men from the right flank. I believe the game ended after turn 27 of 30. Wow... now that was fun!! I really enjoyed this game and map. Ok, ready for more! I guess it is still premature for a PBEM?!?!

Maybe it is time to fight for the FatherLand?!?!


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