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Gamespot review and losses of war

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The Gamespot Review of CMBB says:

Around 40 million men and women were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner in the conflict--and that's just the military personnel.
Someone got the numbers wrong here, I think. I haven't got any reliable data at hand (and a quick google search isn't useful to provide *reliable* numbers on this), but I remember something about 20,000,000 killed in the USSR - including civilians. Not that it mattered much regarding CM, but anyone writing about the war should better get this right.
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Glantz gives some figures in the conclusion of "When Titans Clashed".

German military losses, in the east, to 30 April 1945: 10,758,000 killed, wounded enough to be considered a loss, or captured.

Table A, "Red Army Personnel Losses, 22 June 1941-9 May 1945", gives Soviet military casualties as at least 29,629,205 (! presumably working form official records), including serious-enough wounds to consider losses.

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