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New Scenario -- Audie Murphy Medal of Honor

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I uploaded a new scenario on CMHQ, it's based on the battle where Audie Murphy won his Medal of Honor. It might be a little time before CMHQ has the scenario up. I can e-mail it to you if anyone likes -- I'm at cooper131@juno.com

Here's the General Briefing:

Title: Audie Murphy Medal of Honor

Type: German Attack (historical)

Date: January 26, 1945

Location: Near Holtzwihr, France

Weather: Overcast, Light Snow

- Description -

The US Seventh Army had been fighting through the German defenses in the Vosges Mountains throughout October and November. The US 3rd Division was one of the divisions that "peeled off" to cover the German forces in the Colmar Pocket. By January 1945, after the German Nordwind counteroffensive, US commanders decided the pocket had to be reduced. The US 3rd Division, in conjunction with the 1st French Infantry Division to the north, and the 28th US Infantry Division and 10th French Infantry Division to the south, kicked off Operation Grandslam to cross the Colmer Canal and hopefully secure a crossing over the Rhine.

The offensive began on January 22nd, and the units of the German LXIV Corps were being rolled up. The US 3rd Division faced the German 708th Infantry Division and drove for a crossing over the Ill River. On January 24th, the 7th Regiment secured a bridge at Maison Rouge, but it was too weak to handle the tanks and tank destroyers attached the division. The Germans chose that moment to counterattack with infantry and assault guns. Despite losing the first bridgehead, the 3rd Division crossed elsewhere, and in the next two days brought the battle to Riedwihr and the nearby woods.

It was on January 26th, that Lt. Audie Murphy, leading a company of riflemen, fought the battle that earned him the Medal of Honor.


This scenario is meant to be as historically accurate as possible, using www.audiemurphy.com and "Riviera to the Rhine" as references. The map is based on a French road map (from the website), the US forces are known, and the German forces are presumed, based on what the Germans had in the area at the time, and what makes for a balanced scenario. This scenario is meant for PBEM play, or even against the AI -- give the computer your normal bonuses.


Audie Murphy singlehandedly repelled the German attack in a dramatic stand where he was wounded in the leg. It's estimated that direct fire from Lt. Murphy killed or wounded 50 Germans. I could mention HOW he did it, but that would violate Fog of War! I give some more hints in the US briefings. The 3rd Division later crossed the Colmer Canal on the night of January 29th-30th.

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