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The 25-second turn

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Early in a battle, before contact, I want to rush to occupy some key ground. Now maybe I shouldn't do this, and I expect to learn as I go. My problem is, what should I do when my movement orders will only occupy 25 seconds (or whatever) of the next one minute? Is there a way to order a squad: run to here, and when you get there, hide? It seems like squads fulfill their movement orders, and then they stand around waiting to get shot. I am not yet able to judge how long it will take a unit to get to its objective, and that is part of my problem. By even after I master that I'll still have a need to give a sequence of orders: do A, then do B.

Simple conditional orders would also be nice: hide, unless they charge en masse, in which case start gunning them down instead of being overrun. Or maybe I just want more orders options: hide (and I mean HIDE), hide for ambush, hide but drop concealment if a human wave occurs. Does a squad know when it has been spotted? How about, hide but drop concealment and start shooting if they spot you?

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If you have at least one waypoint or rotation order plotted and then hit 'H,' the last order will go to "Run + Hide" or "Rotate + Hide" or whatever, which I think is what you're looking for.

You can also do a pause 'P' before the rush if you want your guys to be more or less at a certain point at a certain time.

Combinations of hide and hide + target ambush marker will accomplish some of what you want in the second paragraph. Usually the TacAI will stop hiding and start shooting when it's clear concealment has been lost. Read up on and practice the ambush command; careful placement of ambush markers can be critical in defending. Beware that the experience level of a unit and its command status are critical in determining whether they stay hidden or shoot too soon and blow your ambush. Green troops out of range of their HQ will usually shoot at exactly the wrong time...

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