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Rockets and TRPs

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In a defensive TCP battle I fought last night I bought some TRPs and 2 types of german arty ive not yet tried. The 170mm and the 150mm rockets. Rockets are almost always haywire ..falling everywhere but I tried using TRP and it kept in that reasonable area doing some considerable damage from what I could see, even knocking out a hellcat. the 150mm rockets are only 55pts and each trp is only 10. Seems like a decent buy on defense, granted they all fire off rather quickly. Anyone else had similiar success with 150mm rockets or the larger types when used with TRPs?

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I've had it work both ways with TRPs: falling in a reasonable area and falling all over the map.

There's only two things to remember about using rockets:

1. WWII rocket navigational/targeting technology doesn't


2. Target them 200m or so ahead of your lines or you're likely to lose some infantry or vehicles.

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