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Battle For Einheist (Fictional)

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What began as a cautious experiment in constructing my first scenario quickly evolved into a torrent of entertainment of which I was completely unprepared for.

To put it simply, it is a classical engagement pitting superior Allied logistics against an under-supplied, but determined German resistance. While the premise is admittedly ubiquitous, the map itself does present a seemingly endless number of options for conducting both offensive and defensive warfare.

Because I never originally intended to publicly distribute this scenario, it features a less-than-logical approach with regards to its design; that being a giant slugfest with no reference to the accuracy of accounts or unit availability. As such, those who are looking for a more historical approach will be sorely disappointed.

A hastily devised plot (via the briefings) is also incorporated as well. It is regrettable however, that the battlefield map can not be transferred over to an operation based scenario as it has excellent potential. Perhaps this will be rectified in CM2.

In any case, thanks for giving it a try.

Battle For Einheist



[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Boeman ]

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