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2 Scenarios for play testing

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Having played some good and some fairly appalling scenarios at the Scenario depot I thought I would have a go myself and have produced two scenarios.

Hamburger Hamlets. A large, 42 turn, PBEM battle. Starts with a German Armoured offensive in some open farmland and then an Allied Armoured counter attack.

Frozen Ridge. A medium/ small, 30 turn, British assault on a fixed german position in the winter of 44. Mainly an infantry battle with some supporting elements up a ridge against some German forces. Should be good for a Brit V Germans, give the Germans some advantage though. However as a PBEM it ought to be fairly balanced.

I've spent a long time on both maps, trying to get them authentic, which was my main gripe with some of the other maps I've seen.

If you are interested in either or both, drop me a line and I'll send you a copy.



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