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MG Targeting

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I'm playing a scenario in which I am the Germans playing the Americans. My opponent brought up a Sherman pretty close to the front line to destroy a halftrack. In doing so, he came within 100 meters of two HMG's, both of which had side armor LOS. I specifically targeted the Sherman with both HMG's, not necessarily trying to knock it out(German HMG's don't have much penetration ability), but trying to get a lucky shot to immobilize it. Much to my dismay, my targeting order lasted for about 5 seconds during the action phase, after which time the HMG's stopped firing even though neither they nor the Sherman moved one inch. What gives on that? They had plenty of ammo, clear LOS, and no other targets could be seen. Any insight would be apprciated!

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They probably viewed the order as both ammo-depleting and virtually pointless. In their little digital brains, they weighed the damage they could do to the tank vs. the damage the tank would do to them once it discovered where they were firing from. And it would have if they had kept firing.

just my .02


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Thanks, Clubfoot. That certainly makes sense. Unfortunately, it's costing me dearly in this battle. But I suppose it's realistic, because a WWII commander can give all the orders he wants, but his men will ultimately make their own decisions how(or if) they carry them out.

Originally posted by Clubfoot:

They probably viewed the order as both ammo-depleting and virtually pointless. In their little digital brains, they weighed the damage they could do to the tank vs. the damage the tank would do to them once it discovered where they were firing from. And it would have if they had kept firing.

just my .02


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Question: Was the tank buttoned up? If not, the MGs should have fired on the chance of hitting a crewman.


Yes, he was buttoned up. That fact further supports Clubfoot's theory of why the HMG's disengaged.

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Using the Piat against infantry or MG's has worked well for me - when they obey. It suppresses the target and can cause casualties. Sometimes as the Brits you have too many of these buggers so you have expend the ammo somehow.


"Act after having made assessments. The one who first knows the measures of far and near wins - this the rule of armed struggle." Sun Tzu - The Art of War

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