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Bad-assed tank crews.

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After bailing from their swiss-cheesy PzIII, an ALERTED crew made their way across about 100m of open ground under fire to take refuge (of sorts) in a patch of rough terrain. Once their heads were down, the incoming Maxim fire died down and the crew was shortly READY.

Throughout the remainder of the scenario, this crew would pop their heads up and put small arms fire on various intact, enemy weapon crews moving through the area to escape my tank push opposite their position.

By the end of the scenario, the tank crew had taken no further casualties and had used their advantageous location to inflict 9 infantry casualties on wayward enemy weapon crews!

Here's to bailed crews that not only protect themselves, but pro-actively cause additional casualties to the enemy when their situation permits it.

This may have been the case in CMBO as well but may have been missed due to the lack of complete casualty data at the end of a scenario. But I doubt it.

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