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CMHQ **** Ratings question

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I must be an idiot, I just realized the Star ratings for the games were by US gamers, not the site hosts smile.gif..........but when I tried to give some well deserved kudos to my favorites, it would not take my vote.I finally figured out what was wrong. I had only played the scens vs the computer so that was all I tried to rate(did not feel qualified to rate something I had not played)......But it would only take the info if you rated both solo and PBEM. So is the theory that you should only rate games if you've played both(since I play only solo I would disagree with this policy) or is this just an oversite in the program??

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I am not pleased with this voting system. I don't think it adequately does what it is supposed to do.

I personally give both the same rating. If it is a 4 for computer, I give it the same for human.

That is what the majority look at anyway. The designer should put notes in his text somewhere if the scenario/operation is good for 2 Player situations.

We gotta come up with a better way to evaluate. We will. Give us some time biggrin.gif, Your point about voting for one without having to vote for the other is a very good one. I will bring that up to the folks who designed the Game Depot. Thanks, Lloyd!


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Thanks for the reply, Bill. BTW, is there any ratings posted for the scens on the CD?? If not, it might be a good idea. Even though I'm downloading a lot,I still have lots left unplayed from the original game. Ratings might help me choose the next one.......

[This message has been edited by Lloyd Heilbrunn (edited 08-05-2000).]

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How about "All good"? rolleyes.gif

You knew I would say that biggrin.gif

Seriously, Charles and Steve chose the scenarios to be included on the CD. After all the scenarios were submitted, they looked them over and picked what they thought were the best of the litter.

So they should all be pretty good. I tested a lot of them personally and was generally very pleased.

Of course as head of the scenario design team it would not be appropriate for me to make those designations. I'm sure you understand that.

And "like" or "dislike" is often a matter of personal taste. Some folks like easier, some harder, some smaller, some larger, some prefer historical, etc.

So what might appeal to me might not appeal to you. Being a subjective call, its hard to say. Of course, I have my personal favorites. All do. I'm sure you do too.

So I will say that there are no "Bad" ones. Of that you can be sure. The ones that might be to your particular tastes, that is where you'll have to pick and choose.

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Close your eyes and grab, old buddy. You'll know pretty quickly into the scenario.

Now, how do I judge, when I go scenario hunting?

First, Title and text. Unfortunately in CM a lot of us did not use catchy titles. We did not know if we could and then it was too late to change them.

The text will tell you a lot. Read it carefully. A lot of misspelled words (we all misspell to a point, but that is what a spell checker is for :rolleyes smile.gif, but too much of it indicates a rush job and maybe carelessness on the part of the designer.

The text is the show window for your scenario. Make it pretty!

Next, I open the scenario and give the map a once over. Sloppy map? Poorly done? Rivers or hills not well done? Careful. It could be a dud!

I have also personal favorites. A small-medium size scenario is my usual meal of wargaming, with an occasional banquet of a monster one. And I love a quickie before supper sometimes.

You get a feel for them after a while, Lloyd and many times can tell after a turn or two if it is worth pursuing.

Those are my methods. I'm not saying they are the best, but they work okay for me.

Wild Bill


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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