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5 scenarios available

Guest grunto

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Guest grunto


there are 5 of my scenarios at:


i hope the url came out ok.

these scenarios are loosely based on wwii battles.

all battles are meant to be played as americans against the german ai. some of them are good either way. these are meant to be small-to-medium in size.

1) FAVORITE: 'foggy mountain': late-war american attack on mountain redoubt. makes a small board 'seem larger.' all of your units should arrive in the next few minutes. use one or both possible paths of approach in this n-s attack into a bavarian mountain strongpoint.

-note- you want to make sure you set the germans to 'default' setup in foggy mountain to play against the 'grunto defensive setup.'

the main reason though is that the ai may do some foolish things with the setup if you let the ai setup freely here. by all means put your americans on free setup so you can best choose your route of attack.

2) FAVORITE: 'the road to cherbourg': your units should all arrive in the next 10 minutes or so. there are german paratroops in the area. there have been reported some guns of various types. there could be stugs. make sure you stay off of the rail line! --- unless you want to see if there are german guns 'down the line' waiting to pick you off.

use your speed here. i've found the computer to be particularly clever as germans in this one. the attack is s-n.

3) 'hell on wheels': you're clearing the germans out of the bulge in january of 1945. you've just seized a bridge but hear approaching german vehicles in several directions. your units are spread out along the road leading into this one and will be arriving off of the west edge of the map in the first few turns. from the sounds of all of the approaching german engines you're about to engage in one heckuva tank battle. you have a lot of m24 and m18s at your disposal in this one. use your speed here too.

4) 'chaos bridge': a larger, earlier version of hell on wheels. in this one you've just seized two bridges but hear germans approaching from all directions. you have reinforcements arriving, the last of which should arrive in 15-20 minutes. try to stall and marshall your strength for the endgame. try to hold the main bridge(s) and take the two hills, the estate and the hotel. it's late 1944 and you're exploiting an imaginary armored breakthrough. german stragglers are pouring onto the map in a desperate attempt to hold the high ground and take back 'chaos bridge(s)' and the town of barragville. be very careful in this one. this one features the hummel we were discussing in the tips and techniques forum. there's a lot more here than just a hummel though. this is a wild scenario.

5) 'some foggy morning': you're attacking northward in italy in 1945. this is a fairly good-looking alpine scene. it has a lake.


6) Alpine Junction: another northward attack in italy in 1945. very limited armored support but a stout infantry force.

i played this one as amis and won a minor 46-42. after the battle though i knew there were several things i could have done better.

i find them challenging. my favorites are foggy mountain and road to cherbourg... the first because it's 'different' and the second because it's such a cauldron. it is a very tough attack against the computer - at least for someone of my skill level, whatever that happens to be.

while the boards might not be 'pretty' they attempt to introduce certain unique tactical situations.

of course i put a lot of my favorite units in there, while trying to remain 'plausible.'

most of them have no heavy FOs, but use 75mm and 81mm FOs so they're more-or-less usually decided by something other than the FOs.

some of them have complete briefings and some do not.


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Guest grunto

hi guys i've been playtesting these scenarios and they seem fairly good.

spoiler spoiler

grunto had worked his way all over the battlefield around the alpine junction. all told he had 1 stug, 4 infantry, and 4 infantry prisoners in the bag. a baz team took out 2 stugs. the americans took most of the board but not without some losses. they lost the sherman. that was the biggest moment. when the sherman 105 went down to one of the stugs and only the baz team was sitting there in the woods. i was thinking, 'great now they'll turn and take out the baz and i'll have to face them with grunto's m8, 'smokey.'' but as luck would have it the baz team would have none of that and dispatched the two stugs on its own. that left smokey more freedom to roam the battlefield and supply much-needed 75mm HE support to the advancing infantry. although the infantry advance was fairly costly it was successful and only once or twice lost the pace. one of those times was when they came crawing out of the blown bridge area and some 'rear-slope' 75mm infantry guns starting ripping into them from the opposite side of the ravine. smokey was there by turn 30 to help in knocking those two guns out as engineers closed from the opposite side.

a look at the board after the battle showed two hmg 42s and a company commander on the american left. if the game had gone longer they would have caused casualties before themselves succumbing.

as germans the computer sets up far differently from the default in this one.

the default german setup has them loading the n-s ravine with guns and stugs. that way no americans can cross the ravine plus the junction is the main objective and they're placed all around there.

chaos bridge:

man there were 40 dead vehicles in this one... 21 ami and 19 german... the americans managed a minor victory. they eventually took the two hills. i tried and early armored assault on the right/south hill - 'the hotel' - but the german reinforcements came on on the opposite side of the river and from behind chewed up what was looking like a promising early advance. the three 81mm FOs, 'rock, aand, and role' started raining artillery down on the german armor approaching from the south and so disrupting the american center of gravity. they had to be taken out and the positions on the west side of the river consolidated before the advance against the looming hills could be resumed.

that one had something like 250 casualties on each side and 68 KIA per side. the germans readily agreed to a truce on about turn 40 of 60 as the battlefield lay strewn with wrecks. the only moving vehcles were a german aa halftrack or two hiding in the woods and a sherman jumbo with its guns knocked out. the infantry on both sides was exhausted but the germans had been pushed off of the hills.

i think of chaos bridge as stepping into a giant l-shaped ambush. you have to avoid gaminess though because you want to allow the german reinforcements west of the bridge to get onto the board in good order then try rooting them out while at the same time faced from fire from the hills to the east.

in this one i took the armor to the sw out but then turned just in time to see literally a dozen or so german vehicles crest the hill on the american left - 'the estate'. that resulted in a huge tank battle just as the remaining 4 or 5 american tanks were taking up position around the bridge in prepartion for further advance. by the time the smoke had cleared a lone jumbo advanced up toward the estate and an m5a1 with damaged gun sat on the west side of the bridge. all of the other shermans and the entire force of german stugs and armored cars and spa (hummel and wespe) littered the top and side of the estate hill.

the jumbo later lost its guns to some nasty fire from one of the aa haltracks behind the ridge.

i would think with germans you might be able to win this one.

it's pretty dicey if you play as americans.

i've noticed that in all of these the ai usually does a good job of setting 'defense in depth' so you never know what's going to pop up next.


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I just played foggy mountain-- very good. Full of surprises, and a very challenging assault. I played as amis against the grunto setup. I suffered about 50% casualties and won a german surrender around turn 16 or so. There was only one problem-- one of the AFVs (I won't name it, to avoid a spoiler) bogged and immobilized *on the road* early in the game. The commander of that vehicle was Sgt. Grunto!

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Guest grunto

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

... one of the AFVs (I won't name it, to avoid a spoiler) bogged and immobilized *on the road* early in the game. The commander of that vehicle was Sgt. Grunto!


hi chrisl, i'm glad you liked it, even though sgt. grunto had problems handling his vehicle... =g=


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