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Sgt. Barkmann: De Lorey-A Hard Stand Revisited

Guest grunto

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I have to say, this is the first time I've sat down and played one of WB Wilder's scenarios.

Barkmann got his tank toasted on turn 2 by a Greyhound!!

Ouch. I think Diller had 5 kills, including a Priest and an M4A3 Sherman. I lost 74-26.

Now that's a replayable scenario, and it was on the default +1 Experience for the AI!

Right when Barkmann's tank was lost, I knew there would have to be a replay. A 'gotcha' by the AI is always humbling.

This is very good work. It has a number of features.

It is 20 turns long so you could play it on a lunch break. The map appears to be 'medium' sized.

The map and briefing are both excellent.

The German briefing is in-depth and gives a good idea of the tactical situation, while also being dramatic and giving a picture of the actual battle in the mind's eye. I haven't read the American one yet but it's probably just as good.

Those Panthers can make a good stand. They just have to be placed a little better.


Oh did I mention that it went down to the wire? It wasn't over until turn 18, really, with an automatic surrender at the end of turn 19.


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Andy, your analysis is right down the line. You need all your Panthers, and locating them properly is the key.

Losing Barkmann on turn 2 to a Greyhound? Talk about fortunes of war! ARGH! The fact that you held on till turn 18 speaks well of your tactical capabilities, even in the most adverse of circumstances.

NO ONE can forsee these flukes of combat. Really makes you love (and sometimes hate) the game, doesn't it.

I know that M-8 commander talked about that one for years afterward. biggrin.gif

Incidentally, I did read of an occasion during the BoB when this actually happened.

A Greyhound was suddenly confronted by a Panther tank at a bend in the road. The gunner panicked when firing his puny 37mm gun. The shell hit the pavement and ricocheted through the bottom armor, penetrating the crew compartment.

It so shook the Panther crew that those still alive abandoned the tank immediately.

Thanks for the update. It is definitely replayable and is great for lunch hour, or just before bedtime type of play.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Bill,

first... "Le Lorey," not "De Lorey." please excuse that =g=

ok.. thanks for the compliment about my having hung on until turn 18 after having lost Barkmann so early.

more spoiler stuff below:



















Well I fired it up again last night and got waxed. Finally, I played it again today and won, 86-14. Barkmann didn't have a single kill but Lonn and Diller 'went to town.'

Barkmann just held down the left flank. Lonn went hard right through the wheatfields and lined up on the right side, over there by the minefields on that dirt road. After 6 or 7 various kills he reversed, went back left along the back of the board, and joined Diller on or near the 'main' road. Meanwhile Diller was racking up an impressive number of kills himself.

Once again, excellent battle.


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