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Gaaahhaaahha.... Drool.... clunk!

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Tonight's mission. Watch Univ. of Texas game while commencing download of CMBB tutorial.

First attempt fails, but UT wins. Morale issues over failed download resolved through copious application of beer.

Proceed with second download attempt. Confirm that DL is going well, nap on upstairs couch near computer long after wife has retired.

Somehow actually awaken when DL complete. Time is 0203 hours CST.

Commence tutorial as Soviets after reading new features list and readme file.

Trees... moving in wind.

T34's... so beautiful.

Screening element moves to contact using... move to contact command.

Many new tactical options available. Extreme FOW beyond glory. Sounds of bullets whipping through trees. New muzzle flashes from tanks. Troops yell "hurrah" as they human wave and/or assault. Rounds kick up dust near their feet.

Tutorial complete. Total victory for Soviets!

Time now 0506 CST. I am builing a shrine to BTS.

Mental state beginning to alter as I contemplate the glory of CMBB.

My God, it's full of stars...

[ September 01, 2002, 06:11 AM: Message edited by: Cribtop Gamer ]

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