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New City Operation needs Testing......

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Playtesters needed...

This a Huge Operation...

You must fight through a city...

You must like playing HUGE situations, Perfer playing Allied vs. AI, or have a PBEM Partner that likes Playing Huge Games....

here is the briefing...

Stroll In a Park (Fictional)

March 1945

Operation (15 turns per battle, 10 Battles)

Combine Forces, Allied Advance

The Germans are on their heals, American Airpower, Artillery, and men are pouring into Germany. It has been a stroll in the park. Only loyalists are left to fight on their home turf, the Germans rather die than let the Amis horde take their women and children. The Germans are tired but they take advantage of the knowledge of the lay of the land and ambush and booby-trap everything.

Scenario Designers:

Michael “Gonzo” Gonzalez

Chris Sabin

if you are interested please e-mail me...



Michael Gonzalez

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