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Additions to the Scenario editor

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I posted this in the tips section, but i think it belongs in this forum more so.

I have just started playing with the scenario designer/editor and found a few other things i would like to see added.

First, some additions to the unit editor, currently you can add fatigue and status but you can not edit cassualties, i am trying to make a MASH/supply depot overrun scenario and would like to create squads that are already banged up and wounded that would assist in the defense. I would also like to be able to edit the equipment as well, for instance, creating imobile tanks or shocked tanks at the start of a scenario.

-Mother Theresa

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Imagine a battle starting off "dirty"! There would be damaged/burning vehicles and buildings, dead bodies, possibly even wounded being attended to by medics. Then the scenario starts with you as the reinforcement commander trying to clean up the mess.


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