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Quick Scenario for a Long Weekend

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German Radar is vectoring fighters directly into attacking British bomber formations, creating chaos.

It is decided to get some of this equipment and analyze it in order to be able to thwart its effectiveness.

A group of British commandos, led by Major John Frost (the same Frost of Arnhem Bridge fame)are airdropped into France. Their mission is to overpower German resistance at the radar station at Bruneval, get the needed equipment if possible, or destroy it if not.

They are then to proceed expeditiously to the beach where the Royal Navy is to pick them up and take them back to England.

The Germans, however, are not very pleased with this activity and decide to intervene.


Title: A Quick Visit-Bruneval

Type: Meeting Engagement

Date: February 27, 1942

Location: Bruneval, France

Weather: Night, dry

Turns: 15

Nice little quick play scenario for the long Labor Day Weekend.

Now if you are looking for "The Longest Day" type scenario, you'll be disappointed. If you are looking for "The Shortest Night" scenario, you are in luck. biggrin.gif

This is a small simple battle in which you take the radar station (converting the flag to British means you got the equipment).

You are to then proceed to the beach (exit edge) and withdraw posthaste. It may not be as easy as it sounds eek.gif

Hopefully Madmatt will post it today on the CMHQ site.


Have a great Holiday weekend!

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