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problem loading some mac mods

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I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing. There are a handful of vehicles that just don't seem to want to take mods. I've tried both available macintosh mod utilities with exactly the same result. When I try to load the mod, the given textures are completely erased instead of replaced. Then I end up with the "track" texture covering the whole vehicle or some parts of it.

The offending vehicles being the Churchill and a couple of the german half-tracks (and I think I've now mod'ed every other vehicle in the game without any problems).

I suppose its just some inexplicable and irreversable glitch, but I was hoping someone might know what to do about it.

Thank god CMBB for mac appears to use straight bitmaps instead of those irritating resource files.

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Whats happening is your resource files are overloaded. I think they have a limit of 15 mb (give or take a few) and when they are too big they do that...i had the same problem.

To get rid of it, i had to "mod" it again using the original bmps from the cd.

There is a way around the limit though, as the game searches every resource fork for every bmp, so if you have say the tiger tank bmps in your grass bmp fork, it will still display, all the while overcoming the limit...or something.

To do this, download resedit (just google it...should get a result), open the graphics file in question, copy the bmps you want to move, and open another graphics file and paste. Then delete the bmp numbers from the original graphics file. Any bmp can go in any graphics file, and still show, so do it until you're happy with the amount of room left on the resource files.

I am not the best at explaining...so sorry if that was a bit confusing ;)

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As mentioned the problem is lack of space in the resource. While you can resedit it, that's not a good solution. The latest version of MCM3 was iirc tweaked to allow you to choose the resources to place the mod. The comp. looks at the first available resource, and not finding the right number moves on down the resources. So if your bmp's got put into Resource 5 which totals 15megs, and Resource 3 has only 3 megs of space used, you can park them there.

Alternatively you can be careful and very selective to get the optimum mod. For example I have restored some stock mods that rarely or never show up to reduce the resource amount so I can sneak in a new hi res version.

Bottom line start off with the mods that are 'can't do without' then slowly add only those others that fit. MCM3 should also help.

Good Luck

[ September 09, 2002, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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