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CMBB Crash

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I truly enjoy CMBB, but I have never been able to finish a battle. The game crashes to a BSOD every time. I have updated to version 1.01, but still it crashes. No other game or program I have crashes. I have an AMD 2000+ on a Gigabyte 7VTXE mobo with the latest 4in1 drivers, 768 megs of DDR ram, a Ledtech GeForce 3 with the 30.82 driver, an Audigy Platinum sound card, and Windows XP Home.

I get crash messages that I have never seen before, such as a windows log on fatal fault. I had been logged on for over an hour at that point.

Any suggestions? :confused:

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Originally posted by rune:

Are you overclocking the processor? CMBB is math intensice and over clocking can cause a problem. Can you also give more detail on the error message you get?


No, I haven't done any overclocking. The error messages are not always the same. I'll copy the one I get tonight and post it here.

Thanks for the reply.

[ December 04, 2002, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: mvargon ]

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