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Another prayer (request) to the MOD GODS

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I asked awhile back this same request, so I'd figure I'd ask again for a Stug IIIE mod. This bugger keeps popping up in my new scenarios that I am playing/playtesting. Its mint condition appearance definitely sticks out--and it still has that "new car smell". :rolleyes:

Anybody working on one? Dirty or whitewashed? I have more late model Stugs now thanks to the ModGods (love you all, free beer at my house) but these dunkelgrau early Stugs have been overlooked despite their frequent appearances in CMBB scenarios.

Any works in progress? :confused:

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Originally posted by tooz:

(love you all, free beer at my house) :confused:

no Stug E here, but where in China are you living currently?

I mean free beer is worth to do a detour. And that detour could last as long as seven month... :D

Was in China last trip twice and might be there coming winter again.

And I like real beer, no 0.7 alc "mineral water beer" stuff.

But'em in the fridge...




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Flesh, I live in a nondescript city callend Yancheng. It's northeast of Shanghai in the Jiangsu Province. I live at my college (actually a nice real comfortable apartment) and I DO have a second bedroom. If you're going to stay for seven months then why not teach English while you're here? If you have a college degree you're in. In addition to the free beer (I get Stella Artois from Shanghai and Hoegaarden [CHEAP!] from Nanjing.

Regardless, if you do another China tour, by all means look me up! A few hot seat games would break my routine nicely! :D

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OOPS!!! :rolleyes: My next to last sentence was NOT befitting an English teacher. What I wanted to say is that in addition to the free beer this is a good place to be if you're single. With over 6 billion Chinese girls (cross off those that are under 18 or over 40 and you still have, what-- three billion?)the odds are in your favor. :D

My fiance is half my age and one third my weight! Best of all, she tolerates my CM mania. Yep, I just may stay here forever! :cool:

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JEESH! :rolleyes: Sorry "Tools for fools" I confused you with Flesh (maybe because I'm killing time here while downloading his latest mods?). Welcome anytime to Yancheng. Be warned--there's NOTHING historic here--excepting for a really cool museum on the Chinese Northern Fourth Army. Plenty of material and info here for inclusion of the Chinese in any proposed Chinese/PTO mod. Listening BFC?

If you play CM you are welcome any time in my home! The first requirement of friendship is a common bond. Play CM? You're my bud!

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6 BILLIONS of chicks???? Man, I always thought Chinas total population is around 1,2 billon...

That beer there must do a real god job... :D

Unlike the lousy "mineral water bber" brand I had in some places in Yunnan (0,7 Vol alc) :(

Near Shanghai? Well, my trips to China were Yunnan last year, a real sweet province, and if I say sweet, I mean totally sweet.

Hmong villages northwest of Guilin might be on the schedule next trip; maybe I could put in a little detour via Shanghai an then owards to Hkk. Hkk, Bangkok and Manila are always on my schedule since I got friends living there. And the ladies there aren't ugly either ;)

In Manila I do play hotseat games with my friend (Lucero1148) as well. Maybe next time in China as well...will see.




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Better yet, maybe a rendez-vous in Hong Kong? My girl is in the (lengthy) process of getting her passport (SHE needs one to go to HK and Macau, I don't, but I need one to return to the PRC) and we are making plans to go there this coming Chinese New Year (Spring Festival). Lucero is in the Philippines--interesting. :cool:

Also, Tsingtao makes a decent 4-5% alcohol beer, it's my favorite Chinese beer. I still drink the crap "near-beer" like low alcohol Chinese beer after I have already got my buzz. By that point I don't need that much more alcohol.

In Kunming I went and visited an old--nearly abandoned state park which has a monument to the China Hump aviators. Sort of sad to see this forgotton monument in a forgotten park, oh well. I also failed to find the "Flying Tigers Bar", so a trip back to Yunnan is definitely among my future plans. Did you happen to visit Jinhong in Xi shuang bana? This place is easily the most fascinating--it is more Burma/Thailand than China. Kunming was cool too. That's what I love about this country--everywhere you go the people, food, and landscape changes. Soon I'll be headed up to Manchuria and visit the old Russo-Japanese battlefields of '45 and MAYBE '39. I just discovered that "Khalkin Gol" (Russian name) and "Nomonhan" (Jap name) is part of China now. Its remoteness however, makes me wonder about its safety. Regardless, I'll hit Harbin, Mukden (Shenyang) and Dalien (Port Arthur). The latter I have already visited and it too, is beautiful.

Maybe someday I'll stop by Switzerland. ;)

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Wasn't Tsingtao originally made with German assistance? That's probably why it's the best Chinese beer I know so far...

Yeah, Yunnan is real spectacular; I came in via Laos (Mengla-Ganglanba-Jinghong and traveled along the Burmese border (two side trips to the actual border) and then north (Lancang-Lincang-Dali) up to Lijiang on my first trip, second was down to the spectacular rice terraces and ethnic minorities of Yuanyang (red river valley) and then along the Vietnamese and Lao border directly to Mengla and overland to Laos again.

Yeah, Hongkong would be a good meeting point as there are some more CM players there: I was planning to catch up with them last trip, but cut my trip short due to SARS - not that I was scared of the disease really, but once I saw that there were 50% of all flights canceled and other countries started iussing travel restriction on people coming from HKK I got out quick; Didn't like the thought of being stuck there and nobody knew the developement of things then.

Next time will sure contact Griffin Cheng and the others, got e-mails from some of them.

Used to play CC with lucero1148 in Manila before CM came out.

Thanks for the offer, hope we can have a little CM meeting ihn Asia coming winter!

If you ever happen be in Switzerland, there is place in our house to stay a few days! Just make sure it's during summer (May-September) because during the other months I need my well deserved little yearly vaction ;)

All the best



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