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Seeking advice

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Hey guys,

I have'nt played CMBB in some time now, as in years, but would like to get back into it. If it's ok, I'd like to ask a couple of questions, and thanks in advance for any feedback.

1) Since I prefer playing human opponents, is CMAK getting more play, and is it a big step up, in terms of features, from CMBB?

2) I was once a mod junkie, so what are some good sites to grab those again? I see cmmos talked about, but any others?

Thanks again and hope to be up and playing you all , soon as I knock the rust off.

Old Cav Scout

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Old Cav Scout-

The only site (IMO) you need for mods is www.cmmods.com. It has just about every type of mod, along with multiple mods for more common items.

As for which game gets played more, I don't have anything more than a gut feeling, but over at the Blitz, it seems that CMBB is played more often than CMAK. Not sure why that is, but most PBEM requests I see posted are for the eastern front.

Welcome back, and happy hunting.


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Hello Old Cav --

I'm sure you will be able to find an opponent no mattter which game you are playing. People are still playing CMBO!

CMAK is worth buying. I held out for a while. Like you, I stop playing CM for a long time and came back. Playing humans and designing scenarios brought me back. CMAK is not a "major" change from CMBB... same basics, same commands, etc. But totally different units and fronts. Much more Common Wealth and Italians. I like the early war stuff. In my opinion based on downloads from TPG and TSD (links below if you are not familiar with them), I think CMAK is getting a little more play. But minor.

Easy to find an opponent at TPG and TSD. I'm sure you can find some of the other sites that are active and thriving as well.

The Proving Grounds

This site is for designers to post new scenarios and for others to playtest them and leave comments. Very effective when people actually leave comments and suggestions.

The Scenario Depot

This site replaces the old Scenario Depot which closed shop. It is run by the same person (GJK!!!) as TPG and supports "finished" scenarios. Less than a year old at this point and still in the process of being populated. Lots of great new stuff there and easy to search.

Welcome back. If you are looking for a game, I can accomodate. Email in my profile.

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