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The potential cease fire bug

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I have done a search,i read alot of posts about it,but i never saw a final verdict as to whether or not it is indeed a bug.

I belive that it is,and ill tell you why.In an attempt to get as good at this game as i can,i have been playing infantry only QB's,since IMHO it is advanced infantry tactics that will win battles for you 75% of the time(Now that is just my opinion,please i dont want to debate that).I have been playing infantry only axis probes(with me as axis)on medium sized maps,light trees,small hills,everything at random.Now,as you can imagine,i catch hell sometimes(with lots of open ground and little cover...etc),but i am getting much better.I will be near all the VFL's and often making my big push with 5-10 turns to go before the variable is added.I will be making well thought/planned out advances on the VFL's using smoke,arty barrages,suppressing fire from atleast a platoon(with atleast one,yet often two supporting HMG 42's),not to mention sharp shooters(which are very good at suppression btw).Right when it appears that the VFL(s) are mine(or atleast i have a legit shot at them),boom,a cease fire.You have suffered a tactical defeat.BS!!!!Its like the AI's self destruct button in case i might win or something.The final score(in this last QB anyhow)was 65% AI,35% me.I had 181 men ok AI had 148.Casualties:Me,23,AI 91.KIA was much what you would expect based on casualties.Looking at the map after the BS cease fire,the AI had 11 units(most were squads,however a couple could have been HQ's)that were routed,broken,or had rallyed.I may have had a mortar crew that had rallyed,so that tells you my global morale was most likely higher.I did have maybe a platoon that was low on ammo(ive read that can cause a cease fire),but most still had enough.

Now,what do you think?Keep in mind i love this game and am not bashing it in anyway,i just believe that if this isnt a bug,i should atleast have the option of declining the cease fire.I mean come on,are you trying to tell me that through out history there were NO denied cease fires?

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It got me for the first time tonight. I was playing one of the Grossdeutschland scenarios. The one where the Soviet tanks must exit the map, I think it is called "Delaying Action."

I was able to exit 4 tanks off of the map and 3 were knocked out during the course of the game. Their crews were left behind.

After I exited the 4 working tanks, the game ended saying it was a cease fire.

I assume this is because the counted what I had alive after the exit, a couple of tank crews, and considered I did not have enough left to fight and just ended it with a cease fire.

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