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Can units be padlocked in a map imported into a QB?

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It seems that they cannot, see here.

I'd like confirmation of this behaviour, if possible. If true, can I remedy the situation by using different coloured setup zones (the aim is to limit the AI during QB setup)?

This is something to think about in the next generation - there are way too many differences between the way the scenarios work and the way a map imported into a QB work.

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I am inexperienced with playing CM but what I try or am trying to do now in my human player axis attacking scenarios against the AI acting as defending Soviets is to use the 3 colors set-up zone to match the flavor of the enemy AI unit. I usually think of red as enemy who is closest to my approaching troops. White as units a bit farther back but maybe still with LOS. Blue might be follow on forces or what I'd hope that AI would use as reserves. Then only put these colors and thus these type units in certain terrain or locations that match what would be more human or logical. If you have a lot of choices for these colors then you get some unpredictability from the AI.

Does anybody else have tricks like this up their sleeve?

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NavyDiver, padlocking works fine in ordinary scenarios AFAIK. My campaign is a bit special, in that you use the editor to prepare a map with some troops on it, then import that map into a QB instead of generating a map in the QB generator. That's where the problems crop up. Several things that work for scenarios don't work when imported into a QB with a map. I have identified padlocking, reinforcements and exit zones so far.

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