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CMMOS mod trouble

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I just downloaded the newly added Tiger VIE winter mod from CMHQ for CMMOS. I downloaded it to the folder where all of my other CMMOS mods are, left it zipped like the others, but it doesnt appear in the CMMOS menu so I can activate it. I even tried starting a game a purchased some different tigers, but no luck with that new mod appearing. It uses the previous winter rules set, so I dont get why it's now showing up. Please help@!! Thanks,


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Oh yes, every mod must be installed as new. Keep in mind that CMMOS doesn't know that the mod exists until you install via the "configure" button. When in the "configure" menu select the "mod" tab and search for that mod you want to install and follow your nose from there.

Keep in mind that the configure system extracts from the mod itself some files. The system searches from the rule.zip file which has three files. The ruleXXX-XXX.txt, the icon, and a descriptionXXX-XXX.txt. These are then placed in the appropriate rule-set.

I hope this helps.


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