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Volunteers Needed for Vehicle Database

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hi all,

as you are probably aware from a previous thread ( http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=005721 ), I am in the early stages of building a vehicle database for all CMBB users.

What I am doing is creating a standalone desktop program to view, add, delete, edit, search, sort a ready-made vehicle database. The program will also allow you to add pictures into the each vehicle entry.

The raw data files I am using are modified from Wolfe's excel spreadsheet (with his permission of coss):

- http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/CM2TANKS-Mod.xls

contains the tank references, this is finished and ready for importing into the database.

- http://www.web.ms11.net/retro/CM2GUNS-mod.xls contains Cannons, blast values, penetration tables etc.

I need help in the CM2GUNS-Mod.XLS:

1. delete the rows where the guns are not Vehicle mounted (ie. ptr, artillery etc).

2. link the gun spreadsheet to the Tank spreadsheet. This is achieved by filling in the TANK column in the Gun spreadsheet.

For example in CM2Gun-Mod.xls, there is an entry called 37f/L21, Renault R-35 Gun, so the entry under tanks would be D:3, D:184, D:308 for both HE and AP where "D:3, D:184, D:308" are the three references of Renault tanks found in CM2Tanks-mod.xls.

The Renault example is easy, but I am no grog about which tank uses the 20/L55 Kwk30/38 and which tank has APCBC, APC, and which year etc...

So, any volunteers for this community project ? Just download the modified spreadsheet and change the Guns database, once it is done, email me at laxx@myrealbox.com. Prizes will include sneak peaks at the program and favorable mentions in the "Credits" as well as becoming a Gun Grog is not already one.

Btw, the early-pre-alpha-likely-to-crash version can be found in the first link, it also contains some crude screen shots.

The standalone proggie *will* be on Mac. The final database is based on FileMaker and interchangeable on Mac or Win.


[ February 07, 2003, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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