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Succeeding with Soviet AFVs

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Originally posted by Sgt_Kelly:

I don't know what a StuGF8 is. In january 1942 there appear to be 2 models available : the IIIB and the IIIE.

I'd say the T-34 in hull down is a potent weapon.

I messed the date up. I meant October '42. The StuGF8 exists and is a fantastic T-34 killer (loves it when they're hull down). The StuG IIIB & IIIE are about the only StuGs that are not effective against T-34.
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Originally posted by MikeyD:

About hull-down, I remember there was some concern over this back in the Beta days. Problem was a fully exposed vehicle would have a higher probabiliy of getting hit, but a hull down vehicle would have a higher probability of a lethal penetration. Some thought it was safer to go counter-intuitive -- stay exposed to increase your chance of a non-lethal hull ricochet. You can't go by that though, BFC did a LOT of game tweaking after that topic and the release CMBB may be more balanced than it was.

This was a major problem for the Pz-4 in CMBO because of it's small turret - the chance of hitting the small turret with it's weak armour was greater hull down than if the whole tank was exposed!

I think somethign was done about it - there was a fair bit of discussion about turret profiles a while back, but I'm not sure what hte outcome was.

Certainly vs 75L24's the T34 turret is weak enough to get it killed and so you want to avoid turret front hits!

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Originally posted by Cpt.Kloss:

Another and cheaper solution:

Bring forward 3 45mm AT guns (they are amazingly fast for that kind of stuff)and open fire from any distance <1km. With their rate of fire you have a BIG chance to immobilize Stug.

Yeah, if their transport doesn't get waxed and they are left alone while setting up...
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Originally posted by Tigrii:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Cpt.Kloss:

Another and cheaper solution:

Bring forward 3 45mm AT guns (they are amazingly fast for that kind of stuff)and open fire from any distance <1km. With their rate of fire you have a BIG chance to immobilize Stug.

Yeah, if their transport doesn't get waxed and they are left alone while setting up...</font>
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