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Book Suggestions?

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Pursuant to an assignment for a course I'm currently taking on "The Development of Modern Warfare" I'm to choose two scholarly monographs on the same or similar topics in military history since about 1850. I'll be writing a review of these books in terms of their arguments and sources. I thought this forum might have some good suggestions for interesting, well researched works whose authors take somewhat different tacks on their area of inquiry. My interests are pretty wide-ranging, but anything China and/or WWII related would be preferred. If, however, you can think of something outside these that you just have to recommend, I'm all ears.



(Also cross-posted to General Forums)

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Since this question has been up for two days with no response, I thought I'd provide at least one option. I'm not sure what your instructor meant by similar topics but books on WW II that would provide an interesting contrast are Dupuy's A Genius for War and either Doubler's Closing with the Enemy or Mansoor's The GI Offensive in Europe. This is not an endorsement of any of the books, but I think they would give you plenty to compare and talk about.

Most of the better books on China tend to be edited collections, which are more difficult to review so I would steer clear of them.

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