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Map Editor Request

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I have a shameless request for the map editor :D

I'd like to be able to set "Random" for all the map parameters in the random map generation in the map editor. Just like you do in the QB map generator. This would then generate a completely random map, presumably suitable for the date and region set in the battle parameters.

This has come up in connection with my campaign, when making rules for tracking your core force in the editor. Editing the core force implies that you need to import the core force into the QB generator, and that means that you must import a map with it. The casual player has no simple way of coming up with a suitable map. The feature I'm proposing would be a good and simple way to generate a random map that it suitable for the time and place of the battle.

I know how BTS stands on the campaign issue, but this could - just possibly - by a simple request to implement. If not, well, the only way to find out is to ask. And it is in fact possible that map makers might want to use such a feature.

If not for CMBB (presumaby not) then perhaps for CMAK.

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