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are minor victory flags neccassary?

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Since playing CMBB custom scenarios i have come to the conclusion that in the battles i have fought the minor victory flags are irrelevant to the briefings and reduce both sides flexibility of troop deployment.An example of this can be found in "One Final Stab" from the Stalingrad pack.The briefing denotes the factory complex at the back of the map as the objective,consequently there is a major flag on it...fine.

However there are two minor flags placed forward of the factory on either flank.Consequently it creates the temptation as the attacker to split ones forces to "bag" 200 "easy points" without impinging on the main objective,this also forces the attacker to leave a unit to hold the flag, consequently weakening the main attack.Also the defender has to dissipate the defensive line,thus imposing on both sides point punishments for alternative deployments. It seems to me that most battles depending on the size need only one or two major victory flags on the most important terrain features.Thus giving more flexibility in formations and a more accurate game score.

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One reason for minor victory flags - often they're used to help guide the AI on attack as it tends to move for flags.

In the example you gave, it seems the designer wants you to spread your forces. But, there is nothing keeping you from concentrating in one area on either the attack or defense.

On attack you can "roll" one flank and then cross the map, on defense you could yield one minor flag and defend the other - you get the idea.

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