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Kruglowka Railway Operation (longish)

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Well, let me preface this by saying I have searched and searched for this operation through the archives (oddly enough, this one goes by either Kr*u*glowka or Kr*o*glowka depending on how you look at the operation (searched for both, BTW).

Anyhow, I was curious what peoples' impressions were about it. I know it was authored by Moon (tried searching using his number to find it, still no luck).

Having done six of the battles in the operation now, I feel like I'm finally starting to grasp what were, to me anyway, rather vague ideas (Force Conservation, Force Protection, MLR, and so on), at least in regards to the CM engine. One thing I have learned from playing this op is that this night-time-warfare doomahickey is for the birds...must be great if you're playing "Uncle Stalin's banjo" with no-end-in-sight of reinforcements waiting in the wings, but my boys in grey are running low on ammo and my nerves are taking a beating :-P

I'm really just curious what others' opinions were on this op...well...

Since I'm close to having a post resembling the Cliff's Notes version of War and Peace, I'll go ahead and request any suggestions to further my indoctrination into infantry tactics (I understand the basic concepts of fire and maneuver, withering-suppressing-covering fire, overwatch,etc), but not necessarily as they relate to the *game*. (owned CMBO and CMBB for quite a while now, just got the "bug" here about two weeks ago after CMAK arrived ;)

I'm playing the AI now, more to learn the engine, really, but sometimes my setups feel *wrong* once the game starts. I've read enough posts to know that the AI does its best, but I guess I'm concerned that my understanding of tactical doctrine may be 'tainted' by playing the AI...I hope that made sense...anyway, I either need to find some really good scenarios or just submit myself to some old-fashioned pommeling to educate me.

Although I should post this last part in the opponent forum, scenario suggestions or CMBB turns are welcome (CMAK doesn't seem to favor infantry, at least not the African portion of the conflict, so I guess I would be willing to do CMAK as long as it was a non-African battle/op).

Sorry bout the length,

(boy, haven't I always wanted to say *that*?)

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I am playing this one PBEM as the Russians. I am currently wrapping up battle #4. It seems like a pretty good op, and I am having a good time with it.

Static ops seem to work pretty well, but I am not sold on the advance and assault ops, where the maps move. A static op plays (and in the end is scored) like a series of scenarios on the same map.

A game like this tends to play out more realistically than a scenario, becuase force preservation becomes more important to the player. Thus, the bloodshed from battle to battle tends to be rather less than it might be in a one-off scenario.

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