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Great Wargames?


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Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1b:

Steve, you have made a natural enough error so it is no biggie, but those "Front" games mentioned were board games.

As such, your comments while possibly relevant to the games you mentioned, were not relevant to the actual board games from Columbia games heheh.

But East front as a title does indeed exist as a computer game (I own East Front II as well as Western Front through a compilations set).

Right you are, Les the Sarge. I thought you opened up the PC game topic by talking about Steel Panthers, and wasn't aware of the East Front board game. Sorry to have muddied the waters....Ah, my comments were only "possibly" relevant to the games I mentioned :confused: Good god, man - what an embarrassment, not only off topic but inaccurate to boot. :D

But hey, thanks for the link to the Columbia games version of it ! I will definitely try out the demo. smile.gif

[ February 25, 2003, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Steve C ]

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They DO indeed have a computer version of East Front (but finding that out is no small miracle.
Thanks for the tip, Les. I downloaded this last night and it looks neat. Seems to be a fully functional computer version for solitaire play, but alas there is no computer opponent for either the demo or full game. The only thing you don't get with the demo is interactive or PBEM options, so it's definitely a solitaire boardgame for the computer. But that's OK. And now I have to READ the rules to find out how the game works. And that's OK too for those of us who remember having to read rules. ;)
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east front is excellent game but it recommended that you get the volga front add on with it to overcome some of edge of map problem and also if you can afford it, get west front also for the same reason although it also is an ok game. for strategic level games of the am. civil war, "a house divided" "civil war" by victory games(0ut of print)and "for the people" by gmt. for a more complex strategic level WWII game "totaler krieg" is highly recommended and it is by decision games and cover approx. the same situation as strategic command.

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