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AAR - The Master verses the Rookie


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I have had this game for about two months. Playing humans now for about a month. To sum it up – I still suck as a player against other humans. Those that have played me know this to be a fully true fact. But I thought it would be fun for the other rookies, like me, to see an AAR of a Rookie or newbie to play a truly good player. No the best player in the game!

Since Terif was willing I had the opportunity to learn from the Master himself. Here is how it went down in an AAR.

– The Master attacks Den and Poland. The rookie doesn’t have much to do but watch and get some forces ready.

– The Master attacks War and it falls. The rookie makes his first dumb mistake. Instead of guarding War with units all around I dispersed my units hoping for the lucky roll of the die and that Poland would not surrender. No such luck and Poland surrenders early on turn 2. Denmark holds on with no damage done by the German ships. In the West the LC are attacked by a combination of Armor, air and inf and falls.

– Poland’s surrender will hurt as the Germans now quickly send more troops west earlier than normal to pressure France. The Germans begin to attack the French line and open up a hole in which they send two corps through to breach the line. In the Atlantic the German subs are found, but their diving power is excellent and they give more damage to the British Navy Ship then they take.

– In the Atlantic the battle continues and the subs give as well as take sinking a Royal Naval ship. One sub sunk, one down to 1. In France, the Germans seem to have many of their eastern units west already and pound the French line with Armies, Corps, Armor and Air. The French line holds, but as Manstein told Hitler about the Eastern Front in 1944, “it’s a deck of cards ready to fall.” Denmark finally falls, without being reinforced and getting pounded it held until now. One of the few good showings of an allied unit in this the early part of the war.

– Last German sub sunk in the Atlantic. Italy joins the war and we learn why Terif is the Master. I was trying to withdraw my British navy from the Med and moved them as fast as they could. But the Carrier is so slow (Ever notice why the Brit’s put their slowest carrier in the Med?). It only gets to Malta when Italy joins on turn 5. The Master strikes using a transport as a screen to see my Navy. He hits the Brits, but they are ready to protect the precious Carrier and have the Carrier screened. Both sides take damage. In France the withdraw has already begun as the Germans push almost fully around Paris.

– Paris is attacked by everything the Germans have. The army that is entrenched almost, almost oh almost holds. NOT its but is kicked and it is destroyed and France falls. How many Free French have escaped is still top secret information. However, the Brit’s are prepared and hold the ports of both Brest and Bordeaux. The Germans try taking Bordeaux without air, just an armor unit and inf unit and take casualties without giving any back as Bordeaux is somewhat entrenched. In the Med all this time the British Navy has been trying to withdraw her naval forces out of the Med with the Italian Navy hot on its heals. To ensure the Carrier is able to withdraw one Brit BB strikes and gives heavy damage to the Italy BB. But then the Italian navy strikes back and sinks her. The Master is not only king of the land but is excellent on the seas. The Royal Navy has taken a beating so far. It seems the Brits hit the Italian ships and get them down but cant sink them while they themselves have taken some serious damage to its fleet. But the Carrier did escape in spite of Italy’s hot pursuit of it.

- The Mater regroups the German forces and strike at Bordeaux with an impressive demonstration of Armor, Inf and Air all working together in a combined attack. They take damage but the city and port falls. On the Air front the Germans strike at an UK HQ to show that he has enough air to go around.

– The Germans now attack Brest with air but it is intercepted by allied air with both sides taking loses. In the Med the Italians pursuing the British Fleet pull up to the gates of Gilbrater and bombard it. But hidden behind Gilbrater on the Atlantic side is the UK Carrier that escaped the Med and which now strikes back in revenge at an Italian BB and knocks it down from 7 to 3.

- The Master Terif gives a lesson on a dual attack of both Norway and Vichy France. With full force on both nations. He knows what he needs to accomplish the mission and both countries fall on the same turn. Impressive indeed! The Brit’s do not have a corps ready for Bergen. I wanted to protect Britain. (I didn’t want the embarrassment of the Master beating me with an invasion of England). The details of the swift Blitzkrieg attacks have been noted and you will have to play the Master to learn those top secret details yourself. (In other words you need to get your butt kicked and earn the right to know :D )

- As soon as Norway falls, Sweden is attacked. No transports involved but a strong force that has been landed in Norway strikes eastward into Sweden. In France the Brits withdraw a very weakened corps out of Breast.

– Sweden fights on and gives a good account of herself, without being reinforced she continues to hold and fight on against an impressive force including an air power from Denmark. In the eastern Med transports are seen.

– Both Egypt and Suez are invaded by the Italians with support by ships. Both hold but at low strength. The Brits send a weak corps back outside of Brest only to be sunk and destroyed by hidden German air. In Sweden, the capitol falls and it surrenders.

- War Readiness USA 58/USSR 61 its only Mid Aug 1940 and the Mater is totally taking over Europe against the Rookie. This is embassing redface.gif Suez falls, Egypt holds. The rookies tries something foolish and transports the remaining troops in Egypt in a retreating effort (they are very low anyway and would fall next turn)

- Italy takes Egypt and pursues the retreating UK corp. Italy also bombards Gilbrater again. This time no Carrier protection. UK air recon sees 3 German air in France, coastal cities not occupied. So the UK commander decides to move his 3 air units south as it has just went to Jet-1.

- The Germans have 4 air not 3 air and attack one British air with all four and destroy it. I believe however since the Brits are at Jet-1 and the German not yet that they also had to take heavy damage. The Italian navy finds the UK remnant transport outside Istanbul. The Turks would not let the Brits inside the city despite their pleas for help.

-Now we go into a time where I lose track of moves as it seems all is quiet, it must be around 4 moves. (Maybe 5) Then when the Italians again attempt to bombard Gibraltar the British Carriers strike back. And with surprising luck the Brit's with three carriers sink what is believed to be a full strength (10) Italy BB. Also during this time both Rum and Hung join the axis.

- Immediately following the Carrier attack Terif again displays his mastery of the game and attacks Spain. With an impressive attack Spain falls in two turns with a combined attack of Armor, Air, Inf, both of German and Italians and Italian naval power. The Brits seeing a small opportunity strike at Brest during this time with only one Germany air intervening and Breast is significantly decreased. But a very small and really meaningless victory. But when you are a rookie that is about all you get against Terif smile.gif

- Spain falls and on the same turn Bul joins the axis.

- The Germans and Italians pound Gibraltar and the Free French unit holding it. The French seem to do well and only take slight damage. There is no carrier intervention. The move ends with the USA preparing for war.

SUMMARY – Terif you are an excellent player and I salute you. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn from you. I learned a lot. His attack on France was near perfect and taught me much. I think my small mistake in Poland of just giving him one or two turns really hurt. I really didn’t put up a good fight in France it seemed to me and it is dearly costing me for the rest of the game. We will continue the game but the outcome is not in doubt because he has so much time to prepare for Russia and so many MPP points now. For me my first Lesson, Lesson one with the Master (Terif 101) is over. When we continue I will get lesson two, (Terif 201) on how to invade Russia...

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed getting my butt kicked. ;)

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