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Here's an interesting thought.

Ancient One

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That is why I Propose giving the Suez Canal a significant point value if you own both sides. Also you should be able to build limited amounts of units in Alexandria if you control Gibraltor, Malta and the Suez canal....
It would make sense to tie future unit builds in Alexandria to control of the Suez, to represent troops from South Africa and the Far East. A point value for Suez itself should not be necessary.
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Originally posted by Ancient One:

The Axis has plenty of time between the fall of France and the invasion of Russia to build up their army.

Not to do that and invest in research, too. The Germans are probably going to invade and plunder a minimum of four minor countries and a maximum of seven, plus France, before invading Russia. That's a minimum of about 2000 MPP's and a maximum of about 3000. (Your mileage may vary.) At the high range, that's equivalent to two-thirds of a year's entire production. How are you going to replace that?
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Originally posted by arby:

Not to do that and invest in research, too.

Tell me why the Germans should be able to afford to buy all 10 research points early in the game, and possibly max out industrial technology, before the USSR or US even enters play.

Originally posted by arby:

How are you going to replace that?

Who says it needs to be replaced? Look, the game is currently unbalanced in favor of the Axis. This is largely caused by their research advantage and rich economy even after US entry. Don't tell me pillage isn't a huge factor in this.
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I agree with Ancient one that if anything the allies need some help.I'm sticking with my guns. Africa should have a little more room to move. But I really think there should be more points available in Africa too. Players should be rewarded for holding the Med. If the Axis force the Allies out it should really hurt them. And if the Allies hold it it should be a real thorn in the Axis side. This would improve play balance. Spread troops around...Create interesting new scenerios. And some spice to the anemic mid-game. Don't get me wrong I love the game I just don't think the Med's true strategic importance is reflected as well as it could and should be.

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