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Operation Rot

The Dutch Army

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5 June 1940,

(till 24 June) Begin of the battle of France and Corsica, called "Operation Rot".

German Commanders

8 June,

German troops capture again Narvik, end of the evacuation of Allied troops from Narvik.

Carrier Glorious sunk at Norway wad, German battleship Scharnhorst heavily damage.

10 June 1940,

Norway troops surrenders.

The Fascist Government of Italy declares war on England and France, Italian troops invade France and bomb Malta for the first time. Malta is used as a bomber base for raids against Italy and Lybia, the aircraft used were Wellingtons.

11 June 1940,

First RAF Air attack on Turin, Whitley bombers bomb the Fiat- factories, 1200 km.

Italians' airplanes attack French bases in Tunisia and Corsica.

13 June,

Paul Reynaud, the Premier of France broadcasts a final appeal for American intervention.

14 June 1940,

German troops, 6th German Army, enter Paris, France. General Frere (French 7th Army) leaves Paris without fighting and von Studnitz leads the 87th Infantry Division in ints triumphal entry march. The western allied forces completely lost control over the European continent.

Spain declares not belligerents.

15 June 1940,

French troops abandon the Maginot Line.

Russia invade Litauen, Letland, Estland, Bessarabia and Northern Bucovina.

Rows of tank barriers, forming a small part of the complicated defence system, the Maginot Line

The Maginot Line

16 June 1940,

Paul Reynaud resigns as Premier of France.

18 June 1940,

From London Charles de Gaulle, become "Leader of the Free France", talks for the first time to the people of France; continue the War.

Hitler and Mussolini meet in Munchen.

20 June,

France allows Japan to penetrate Japanese troops in North-Indo China.

22 June 1940,

France (General Huntziger) signs an armistice with Germany at Compiegne (Rethondes), France. Fall of France; German troops occupy northern and western France. Collaborationist Vichy government set up in south-eastern France.

At this point the Blitzkrieg to the west has seen the Germans lose 27.000 dead more than 111.000 wounded and 18.000 missing. The French have lost 92.000 dead and more than 200.000 wounded; the British Expeditionary Force has lost more than 68.000 men.

24 June 1940,

Armistice sign at Rome between Italy and France, armistice 25 June at 1.35u in France.

27 June 1940,

Romania, under the demands of Joseph Stalin, cedes Bessarabia and northern Bucovina to the Soviet Union.

Stalin, Josef Vissarionovich (1879-1953)

Stalin secured control of the Soviet Communist Party in 1923 and became Prime Minister in May 1941 until his death in 1953. He was a brutal leader, who purged his political and personal opponents. During the war he controlled the Soviet military effort as Commissar of Defence and Marshal of the Soviet Union. After signing the Nazi-Soviet non-agression pact in 1939, Soviet troops moved into Eastern Poland, the Baltic States and Finland. The period of co-operation between Germany and the Soviet Union was short-lived however, and Russia was unprepared when the invasion by German forces began in June 1941. Britain became allied with the Soviet Union, but was unable to immediately accept Stalin's demands for a campaign in France to relieve pressure on Russia. Stalin's military strategy was eventually successful, but at the cost of millions of Soviet lives. At the end of the war, with the exception of Yugoslavia, the East European states 'liberated' by the Red Army came under the control of the Soviet Union.

29 June,

Italo Balbo shot down above Tobruk by his own anti-aircraft artillery.

30 June 1940,

German forces land in the Channel Islands, the only part of the British Isles that they will occupy. Dônitz visits Brittany to view the U-boat bases which he believes will hugely increase the potential of his U-boat fleet. Now freed from having to make passage north of the British Isles to reach the Atlantic, the U-boats will surely be able to impose his will upon the all-important shipping lanes to and from the USA. With occupation of Norwegian, Danish, Belgian, Dutch, and French ports, the Kriegsmarine is in a position to control the seas of northern Furope in which Great Britain now seems ever more isolated. Indeed, a surge of success has been seen in June, with Allied shipping of more than 350,000 tons being lost to the U-boats.

1 July 1940,

Vice-Admiral Somerville takes command of Force H, a group consisting of the carrier HMS Ark Royal, battlecruiser HMS Hood, and two battleships plus cruisers and destroyers. Its first action will be against the French who, though claiming that none of their vessels will be allowed to faIl into German or Italian hands, are proving reluctant to take determined action to avoid this.

3 July 1940,

Operation "Katapult": French War Fleet in the port Mers el Kébir near Oran (N.Africa) attack by British War-ships. Ships of the British Mediterranean Fleet destroyed units of the French Fleet to prevent them falling into German hands.

A sinking French ship in the harbor of Oran.

9 July 1940,

By a vote of Parliament, the capital of France is moved to Vichy. First battle between Warships from Italy and England at Punta Stilo, Italian battleship Conti di Cavour heavily damage.

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