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Sol Invictus

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I am trying to do a PBEM game with Titan and he has sent me the initial file. I DLed it into the PBEM folder but when I go to start the game I cant find it in the PBEM Saved option. I have never done PBEM so I'm sure it's just my ignorance, but I'm at a loss. Help please.

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Originally posted by Sol Invictus:

I am trying to do a PBEM game with Titan and he has sent me the initial file. I DLed it into the PBEM folder but when I go to start the game I cant find it in the PBEM Saved option. I have never done PBEM so I'm sure it's just my ignorance, but I'm at a loss. Help please.

Couple possibilities:

1. You may be trying to load a saved game. Try the option load PBEM game.

2. One of you has the patch to the game, and the other doesn't. Make sure both have dl'd the patch and installed it.

Hope this helps.

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I just found out today that my ISP is changing their e-mail server, and with the upcoming takeover by another Phone Company, I may not have this straightened out till early September. I still dont quite understand this. I have the file you sent and it is in the PBEM folder. It just doesnt show up as a saved PBEM game from which to choose to play. I will keep trying to figure it out.

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