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Multiplayer AAR Comrade Trapp vs JerseyJohn -- 1914 Campaign (restarted).


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June 26th 1915

No action in the west.

In the east, Austro-Hungarian forces attack Russian General Petrov's HQ reducing it to 30%. North of that, the German 8th Army attacks the Russian 5th Army in Minsk knocking it down to 70%.

In the Black Sea, the Turkish Navy (cruiser) engages the Russian Black Sea Fleet (cruiser) reducing it to 40%.

In the Middle East, the Ottoman Army disengages from combat near the Suez Canal and turns north to oppose the Allied landing near Beirut.

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In the Ukraine Russian forces regroup after continued relentless German attacks.

No action in France. First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Winston Churchill, recalls Battleship Squadrons to home waters and abandons fruitless coastal bombardment campaign.

Meanwhile, combined operations in the new Mediteranean Theater . . ..


23 July 1915

Times of London

Beirut Falls in Second Attack !

-- Determined this time to gain control of the important coastal city, the First and Second Middle East Expeditionary Armies launched a predawn attack once again preceeded by a heavy naval bombardment and . . ..

Russian Troops Land in Dardenelles!

Russian Fleet disengages, Czarist Troops Land near Istanbul on Black Sea Coast and proceed inland, cutting vital railroad lines and. . ..

Once ashore, the Russian Dardenelles Expedition marched inland across less than hospitable terrain.


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July 10th 1915

No action in the west.

In the east, the German 7th, 8th, and 10th armies assault the Russian 5th Army in Minsk reducing it to 50%. South of that the Austro-Hungarian 1st, 2nd, and 3rd armies engage the Russian 2nd Army reducing it to 10%.

In the Middle East, the Ottoman 1st and 2nd armies attack the British 1st Middle East Exp Force east of Beirut knocking it down to 30%.

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Late July 1915

As the Great War nears the end of it's first year the world is shocked by it's mounting toll on all the involved beligerants.

In France a costly offensive is begun in the Verdun region.

French Infantry Moving to the Front.


Russian armies are reinforced in the East but do not attack. Rumors begin ciruclating in Petrograd of socialist agitators infiltrating the army and sapping the morale of otherwise loyal soldiers. When asked about this, Grand Duke Nicholai sends a short but pointed reply to his nephew, Czar Nicholas the Second, "You may wear a uniform at social functions in Petrograd but that in now way qualifies either yourself or your court toadies to judge the morale of the Imperial Army. And further, concerning the Czarina Alexandra's suggestion about sending the monk Rasputin to bless my troops -- if I catch him within a hundred miles of the front I'll personally put a bullet through his skull!"

The Czar is shocked at the tone of the message and considers relieving Nicholai of command. He is dissuaded from doing so because in light of events at the front, a change in command would be ill-advised while the Germans and Austrians are conducting an offensive.

In Syria the British reinforce their position and await the Ottoman counter attack.


President Woodrow Wilson agrees to mediate a peaceful settlement if representatives of the Warring nations will meet at a mutually acceptable location in the United States.

[ May 08, 2003, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Peace Proposal

Sent by: The Triple Entente (JerseyJohn)

Recieved by: The Central Powers (Comrade Trapp)

(via e-mail)


The Triple Entente offers the following peace proposal as precursor to Second World War continuation:

In the West,

* Low Countries ceded to Germany as a protectorate, i. e., not occupied by German troops but to start out as Axis Allied to Germany. Germany withdraws entirely from occupied French territory.

In the East,

*The Baltic States to become a German Protectorate.

*Finland to be granted full Independence.

* Poland to be granted full Independence.

Austrian Empire / Balkans to be represented as the Independent nations of Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.

*Yugoslavia and Greece become Independant German Protectorates / Axis Allies.

In the Mediterranean,

Ottoman Empire to be represented as the Independent nations of Turkey and Iraq.

Turkey becomes Axis Ally, Syria to France and Iraq is neutral.

Suggested conditions for continuation:

Hubert's 1939 Scenario with the following alignment at start:

Axis: Germany, Low Countries, Baltic States Yugoslavia, Greece and Turkey.

Allies: England, France and Poland.

Neutral U. S., Italy, USSR, Iraq, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Switzerland.

Special Provisions: Italy assigned 500 PPS as protection against Gambit, USSR assigned 1000 PPS for same purpose and house rule preventing Axis troops from using Turkey as base till Three (3) turns after the start of Barbarossa; can be used immediately if the USSR initiates the war on Axis.

Unassigned Research Credits: Germany 3, England 3, France 2, Italy 2.

[ May 08, 2003, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Response to the Peace Proposal

Sent by: The Central Powers (Comrade Trapp)

Recieved by: The Triple Entente (JerseyJohn)

(via e-mail)


The Central Powers rejects your peace terms but offers a counter-proposal.

The Central Powers offers these Peace Terms:

* There Central Powers will remain the Central Powers next game and not the Axis Alliance.

* Germany will still be under the Kaiser's control.

* Austro-Hungary will remain Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire will remain the Ottoman Empire.

1) Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Malta, and the Suez Canal will be handed of over to the Central Powers and will be part of the Central Powers at the start of the next game.

2) The Russian cities of Odessa, Kiev, and Minsk will be handed over to the Central Powers.

3) The Italian city of Venice will be handed over to the Central Powers.

4) The Low Countries will be returned to a neutral status.

5) Russia will be allowed to keep Finland and the Baltic States.

6) The Maginot Line will be under the control of the German Army (No Maginot Line).

7) Italy will be as it is now (a Allied Power). As mentioned earlier Venice will be handed over to the Central Powers.

8) The Russian Black Sea Fleet will be handed over to the Turkish Navy.

9) Great Britain and France will hand over 2 battleships to the German High Seas Fleet and 2 battleships to the Turkish Navy.

10) The Triple Entente will claim full responsibility for the war and all of its damages.

If you agree to these terms, the fighting between The Central Powers and The Triple Entente will immediately cease. If not the war will go on.

[ May 08, 2003, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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