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Multiplayer AAR Comrade Trapp vs JerseyJohn -- 1914 Campaign (restarted).


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Comrade and I have restarted our game. We were using the incorrect House Rules.

Comrade Trapp plays the Central Powers.

JerseyJohn plays the Triple Alliance


Though advised by his security chief to avoid the Balkans, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the thrown of the aged Franz Ferdinand, accompanied by his wife, visits Serbia and is promptly cut down by agents of the radical Black Hand. They are killed by an obscure revolutionary named Gavrilo Princip, who is caught within minutes of the ambush.


Shunned in life by the Austrian Court for her common birth, the Grand Duchess fares no better in death, her casket being set noticably lower than her husband's at the state funeral service.

Considered a protege of Imperial Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II, Ferdinand's death soon results in severe repercussions.


Yachting in the Baltic at the time of the assasination, the Kaiser remains aloof from events and pledges to stand by Austria-Hungary in any action she may choose to take.

Bound by complicated alliances and intricate mobilzation schedules, events move steadily toward a Grand War involving all of Europe.


From Saint Petersburg, Czar Nicholas II and his cousin, the Kaiser of Germany exchange a series of telegrams in a last grab at creating a settlement.

Link to the Complete Nicky-Willy Telegrams.

In frustration, Nicholas writes in his journal, "Grandmama would never have permitted this to happen." Referring to the late Queen Victoria of Great Britain, Grandmother to, among others, three reining crown heads, George of England, Wilhelm of Prussia and Nicholas of Russia.

Link to Queen Victoria and Her Royal Descendants

The court mystic, a self-styled monk named Gregory Rasputin, personal attendant and comforter of the sickly young Crown Prince Alexeivich, warns that if Russia enters this war she will be scourged and ruined for all time.


Meanwhile, in Switzerland, another patiently awaits the chance to fulfill the peasant monk's prophessy, avenging as well the execution years earlier of the elder brother he idolized. How much greater might Nicholai Lenin's thirst for blood have been if he'd known this same Czar had read the execution report and penciled the words, "Good -- hang more of them!" in the margin. But in Romanov Russia blood begets blood; the Czar's own father, Alexander III having been cut down by an assasin's primitive bomb.


[ May 07, 2003, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Beginning on the night of July 29th 1914, the Tsar and Kasier franticly send telegrams in a vain attempt to prevent a full scale war in Europe.


Tsar to Kaiser

29 July 1914, 1 a.m.

Peter's Court Palais, 29 July 1914

Sa Majesté l'Empereur

Neues Palais

Am glad you are back. In this serious moment, I appeal to you to help me. An ignoble war has been declared to a weak country. The indignation in Russia shared fully by me is enormous. I foresee that very soon I shall be overwhelmed by the pressure forced upon me and be forced to take extreme measures which will lead to war. To try and avoid such a calamity as a European war I beg you in the name of our old friendship to do what you can to stop your allies from going too far.


Kaiser to Tsar

29 July 1914, 1.45 a.m. (this and the previous telegraph crossed)

28 July 1914

It is with the gravest concern that I hear of the impression which the action of Austria against Serbia is creating in your country.

The unscrupulous agitation that has been going on in Serbia for years has resulted in the outrageous crime, to which Archduke Francis Ferdinand fell a victim. The spirit that led Serbians to murder their own king and his wife still dominates the country.

You will doubtless agree with me that we both, you and me, have a common interest as well as all Sovereigns to insist that all the persons morally responsible for the dastardly murder should receive their deserved punishment. In this case politics plays no part at all.

On the other hand, I fully understand how difficult it is for you and your Government to face the drift of your public opinion. Therefore, with regard to the hearty and tender friendship which binds us both from long ago with firm ties, I am exerting my utmost influence to induce the Austrians to deal straightly to arrive to a satisfactory understanding with you. I confidently hope that you will help me in my efforts to smooth over difficulties that may still arise.

Your very sincere and devoted friend and cousin



Kaiser to Tsar

29 July 1914, 6.30 p.m.

Berlin, 29 July 1914

I received your telegram and share your wish that peace should be maintained.

But as I told you in my first telegram, I cannot consider Austria's action against Servia an "ignoble" war. Austria knows by experience that Servian promises ono paper are wholly unreliable. I understand its action must be judged as trending to get full guarantee that the Servian promises shall become real facts. This my reasoning is borne out by the statement of the Austrian cabinet that Austria does not want to make any territorial conquests at the expense of Servia.

I therefore suggest that it would be quite possible for Russia to remain a spectator of the austro-servian conflict without involving Europe in the most horrible war she ever witnessed. I think a direct understanding between your Government and Vienna possible and desirable, and as I already telegraphed to you, my Government is continuing its exercises to promote it.

Of course military measures on the part of Russia would be looked upon by Austria as a calamity we both wish to avoid and jeopardize my position as mediator which I readily accepted on your appeal to my friendship and my help.



Tsar to Kaiser

29 July 1914, 8.20 p.m.

Peter's Court Palace, 29 July 1914

Thanks for your telegram conciliatory and friendly. Whereas official message presented today by your ambassador to my minister was conveyed in a very different tone. Beg you to explain this divergency! It would be right to give over the Austro-servian problem to the Hague conference. Trust in your wisdom and friendship.

Your loving Nicky


Tsar to Kaiser

30 July 1914, 1.20 a.m.

Peter's Court Palais, 30 July 1914

Thank you heartily for your quick answer. Am sending Tatischev this evening with instructions.

The military measures which have now come into force were decided five days ago for reasons of defence on account of Austria's preparations.

I hope from all my heart that these measures won't in any way interfere with your part as mediator which I greatly value. We need your strong pressure on Austria to come to an understanding with us.



Kaiser to Tsar

30 July 1914, 1.20 a.m.

Berlin, 30. July 1914

Best thanks for telegram. It is quite out of the question that my ambassadors language could have been in contradiction with the tenor of my telegram. Count Pourtalès was instructed to draw the attention of your government to the danger & grave consequences involved by a mobilisation; I said the same in my telegram to you. Austria has only mobilised against Servia & only a part of her army. If, as it is now the case, according to the communication by you & your Government, Russia mobilises against Austria, my rôle as mediator you kindly intrusted me with, & which I accepted at you[r] express prayer, will be endangered if not ruined. The whole weight of the decision lies solely on you[r] shoulders now, who have to bear the responsibility for Peace or War.



Kaiser to Tsar

31 July 1914

Berlin, 31. July 1914

On your appeal to my friendship and your call for assistance began to mediate between your and the austro-hungarian Government. While this action was proceeding your troops were mobilised against Austro-Hungary, my ally. thereby, as I have already pointed out to you, my mediation has been made almost illusory.

I have nevertheless continued my action.

I now receive authentic news of serious preparations for war on my Eastern frontier. Responsibility for the safety of my empire forces preventive measures of defence upon me. In my endeavours to maintain the peace of the world I have gone to the utmost limit possible. The responsibility for the disaster which is now threatening the whole civilized world will not be laid at my door. In this moment it still lies in your power to avert it. Nobody is threatening the honour or power of Russia who can well afford to await the result of my mediation. My friendship for you and your empire, transmitted to me by my grandfather on his deathbed has always been sacred to me and I have honestly often backed up Russia when she was in serious trouble especially in her last war.

The peace of Europe may still be maintained by you, if Russia will agree to stop the milit. measures which must threaten Germany and Austro-Hungary.



Tsar to Kaiser

31 July 1914 (this and the previous telegram crossed)

Petersburg, Palace, 31 July 1914

Sa Majesté l'Empereur, Neues Palais

I thank you heartily for your mediation which begins to give one hope that all may yet end peacefully.

It is technically impossible to stop our military preparations which were obligatory owing to Austria's mobilisation. We are far from wishing war. As long as the negotiations with Austria on Servia's account are taking place my troops shall not make any provocative action. I give you my solemn word for this. I put all my trust in Gods mercy and hope in your successful mediation in Vienna for the welfare of our countries and for the peace of Europe.

Your affectionate



Tsar to Kaiser

1 August 1914

Peter's Court, Palace, 1 August 1914

Sa Majesté l'Empereur


I received your telegram. Understand you are obliged to mobilise but wish to have the same guarantee from you as I gave you, that these measures do not mean war and that we shall continue negotiating for the benefit of our countries and universal peace deal to all our hearts. Our long proved friendship must succeed, with God's help, in avoiding bloodshed. Anxiously, full of confidence await your answer.



Kaiser to Tsar

1 August, 1914

Berlin, 1 August 1914

Thanks for your telegram. I yesterday pointed out to your government the way by which alone war may be avoided.

Although I requested an answer for noon today, no telegram from my ambassador conveying an answer from your Government has reached me as yet. I therefore have been obliged to mobilise my army.

Immediate affirmative clear and unmistakable answer from your government is the only way to avoid endless misery. Until I have received this answer alas, I am unable to discuss the subject of your telegram. As a matter of fact I must request you to immediatly [sic] order your troops on no account to commit the slightest act of trespassing over our frontiers.


[ April 26, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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August 1st 1914

German and Austro-Hungarian troops cross the border into Russia and attack the unprepared Russian Army. France comes to the aid of her ally and qucikly declares war on the Central Powers. The Germans react quickly, putting the Schlieffen Plan into effect, German forces cross the border into France occupying Belgium in the process. The French 4th Army guarding the Ardennes is attacked from 4 directions bringing it down to 20% strength. Meanwhile, the German 5th Army quickly secures the undefended French mine. By the end of the turn a German battleline was created going along the French-Belgium border then down into France around where the Maginot Line would be. The Germans take minimal losses in the opening phase of the invasion of Belgium and France.

Great Britian is quick to react to the German occupation of Belgium when it declares war on the Central Powers.

In the Balkans, Austro-Hungarian forces attack Serb forces bringing the Serbs to their knees.

In the North Atlantic, a German U-boat sinks the British battleship H.M.S. Cressy of the coast of southern Ireland. This early victory is surely a sign of things to come.

[ April 28, 2003, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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The War's first major campaigns take place in the West, where Imperial Germany attempts to fulfill it's decades old Schleiffen Plan.

In order to destroy France, before turning east to deal with the slowly mobilizing Russians, Germany must move through Belgium, whose neutrality she has guaranteed in an old, conveniently forgotten treaty signed also by Britain and France. A plan designed to crush one power in order to turn on a second, and causing a declaration of war from a third.

Britain, caught up in a short-lived mood of idealistic optimism, declares war on Germany and quickly dispatches the comparatively small British Expeditionary Force to join her French Allies in the Fields of Flanders.


Even as the British embark to cross the Channel, well disciplined German columns catch the French off balance, trapping their Fourth Army in the Ardennes region, where it is first bled white, then surrounded and finally destroyed.

But the doomed Polois have gained time for Marshal Ferdinand Foch to organize a defense Northwest of Paris, turning the triumpant armies of Imperial German even as they march within sight of Paris itself.


Arriving late on the scene, the British Expeditionary Force helps hold the line at the most crucial hour, eliciting an oath of contempt from German 1st Army commander von Bulow, who calls them the "Contemptable little English Army!" Forever after dubbed "The Old Contemptables" by the bemused Tommies.


The Battle in France saved, British Prime Minister Loyd George travels to France, confers with the Generals, meets in Paris with French Leader Clemencau and returns home.

Georges Clemenceau


Cousins, looking enough alike to sometimes be mistaken for one another, King George the Fifth of England poses beside Czar Nicholas the Second of Russia.


Reporting to His Majesty, King George the Fifth, the Prime Minister optimistically reports that British losses will be comparatively small. The war, he feels, will be decided quickly in the east, by the awakened Russian Bear.

Czar Nicholas II [among group to the right] conducts a casual inspection of some of his frontline officers. The The General in Chief of all the Imperial Armies, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, [tall man standing alone] looks on respectfully. The Grand Duke is also the Czar's uncle.


[ May 03, 2003, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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August 15th 1914

The western front the French 4th Army retreats only to be finnished off by German forces.

In the Balkans, Austro-Hungarian forces destroy all remaining Slav resistance.

In the east, no engagements reported.

[ April 30, 2003, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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As the West settles in to trench warfare, all eys turn to the East.

The Czar calls up his faithful Cossacks and beckons them to drive the German invaders out of contested Poland. They are sent to defend Warsaw and it's surrounding region while, farther south, a battle develops northwest of Budapest in the Carpathian Mountains.

After a ceremonial blessing from the Little Father, the Cossacks mount and are off to find the sound of battle.


Most of them. Others finish affairs at home and follow as a stragegic reserve.


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August 29th 1914

The western front slows to a stalemate, both sides reinforce.

In the east, no engagements reported.

In the North Atlantic, a German U-boat engages the British battleship H.M.S. New Zealand causing a significant amount of damage.

The Austro-Hungarian goverment declares the Balkans "safe and secure". Austro-Hungarian units are now free to be commited elsewhere.

In the Baltic, the German High Seas Fleet suprises the main body of the Russian Fleet in Helsinki Harbor and reduces it to 10% of its original strengh. At the same time 2 German cruisers trap the Russian Cruiser Force in Kronstadt Harbor.

[ May 03, 2003, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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September 19th 1914

No engagements reported in the west.

In the east, the first offensive against the Russians was commenced when the Russian 13th Army north of Warsaw was attacked by the German 7th, 8th, and 9th armies. The Russian 13th Army was knocked down to 20% while the attacking German armies took no losses.

In the North Atlantic, my German U-boat was surrounded and attacked from all directions only to survive and continue the fight. Even though the sub will be sunk by next turn it still carried out a attack on the already damaged British battleship H.M.S. New Zealand knocking it down to 40%.

In the Baltic, The German High Seas Fleet finishes off what was left of the Russian Northern Fleet when the main body of the Russian Northern Fleet in Helsinki Harbor and the Russian cruiser force in Kronstadt Harbor was sunk by the German Battleships Hannover and Pommern. The German High Seas Fleet sustained minimal losses in the Battle for the Baltic making it one of the biggiest German victorys in history. Admiral Franz von Hipper, commander of the German High Seas Fleet, is decorated by the Kasier himself for bravery in battle.

[ May 03, 2003, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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In France, Clemenceau, hard pressed by his Russian Ally to bring more pressure upon the Germans, confers with his generals and is told a massive offensive is out of the question until the Spring.


Along the Channel Coast the newly arrived British move into line confident of a quick breakthrough. Paying little heed to his ally's heavy losses, B.E.F. Commander Sir John French endorses a series of probing attacks. After a few days futile action he becomes convinced that the German lines are too formidable for a frontal assualt and orders his Tommy's to dig in till a combined offensive can be mounted in the Spring.


Meanwhile, Imperial Germany's High Seas Fleet moves into the Northern Baltic and sinks the main Russian Battleship Squadron as it attempts to escape from Helsinki. The Czar's Cruiser squadron at Petrograd is sunk a few days later.


News of the war's first Russian disasster reaches Petrograd where it is called a worse defeat than Tsu Shima. Stunned crowds prepare to flee as rumors of German amphibious landings spread throughout the city. Behind the scenes, Rasputin, surrounded by his following of superstitious women, talks for hours about God's judgement falling upon Mother Russia, punishment for her part in this unholy war.

In Poland the Czars armies dig in around Warsaw and are attacked on the partially exposed northern flank by three strong German Armies. Despite suffering heavy losses they hold their key position.

To the South more of the Czar's Armies continue mobilizing in the Ukraine. Camp gossips spread the word that Poland is only a sideshow while the Southern Armies defeat the Austro-Hungarians and march into Viena.

As mobilization nears completion rumors spread throughout Russia about the eagerly anticipated Danube Offensive.

At Sea, German U-boats sink the aged Dreadnaught H. M. S. Cressy off the coast of Ireland and inflict severe damage to other British and French vessels before being trapped and sunk themselves by the squadrons of the French Fleet and Royal Navy. The energetic First Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Winston Churchill, announces to the world that Germany has loosed upon the high seas a lethal new version of the long underated submarine. A new weapon calling for the development of new countermeasures. Almost immediately the Admiralty begins laying out plans for escorted trans-Atlantic convoys.


The lifeless bodies of a small number of German submariners were recovered along the Irish coastline and promptly accorded ceremonial burial with full military honors.

[ May 05, 2003, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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October 17th 1914

No engagements reported in the west.

In the east, the German 7th, 8th, and 9th armies attack the Russian 13th Army for the second time, with the same effects.

The first unwelcome reports of the war made it to newspapers accross Germany today, the German U-boat that was made famous by sinking a British battleship and crippling another, was sunk today in the North Atlantic. The Kaiser personally attends the ceremony honoring the lost crew.

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Word of the Warsaw stalemate and it's high casualties reaches Petrograd and sends ripples of discontent throughout the war swollen populace. Throught the country, in scattered towns and villages, the ever growing lists of casualties begin sapping morale.

The Czar's secret police are quick to find spies. It was the heinous crimes of these miserable wretches that doomed the Baltic Fleet to oblivion. Exactly how is never clearly explained. But it is of little consequence for, if not German agents, all are either anarchists or known revolutionaries. Convicted in speedy trials, they are condemned and hanged promptly in the public view before cheering mobs.

During his last moments before the trap is sprung, one grizzled traitor screams "They will use you for cannon fodder and eat their caviar and drink their champaign without a care. Long Live the Revolution. Long Live The Common Man! Long Live Mother Russia!"

For the first time the crowd does not cheer as an aledged spy drops to his death. Henceforth it is ordered that all condemned prisoners will wear a hood on the scaffold.


Though even while watching the executions agents of the revolution, mingling among the crowds, speculate that it is not the work of spies and traitors, but inept generals that are the cause of Russia's costly defeats.

In Britain word of the Eastern setbacks shatter the delusion that the war will be resolved with a quick Eastern Victory; Cossacks parading triumphantly through Berlin.

Lord Kitchener is used as the model for a new recruitment drive.


Reporting to the King, Field Marshal Kitchener repeats his original assessment that it will be a long, hard and costly war, in pounds sterling and also in the lives of Britain's young men.

[ May 04, 2003, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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November 14th 1914

No engagements reported in the west.

In the east, the Russian 13th Army is destroyed in heavy fighting north of Warsaw, German forces take significant losses but lose no units in the attack.

[ May 04, 2003, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Following the destruction of the Thirteenth Army, Czar Nicholas cables his uncle and commander of all Imperial Armies, the Grand Duke Nicholas, to switch immediately to the offensive and avenge Russia's defeat with a resounding victory.

The Czar sends his blessings but, unfortunately can provide neither sufficient quantities of well equiped soldiers, artillery or machine guns to make such a victory possible.

But the Imperial Army attacks despite these handicaps, striking at the Germans northwest of Poland before they can regroup and inflicting heavy losses with moderate losses of their own.

The Czar sends a second cable urging a drive on the Baltic to isolate the main German Army Groupd in East Prussia, and in a third cable he asks if a drive on Berlin itself might be possible. The Grand Duke barely glances at a third telegram, shakes his head, and withdraws to his room without reading it's contents to his staff.

After the two pronged attack, the right wing staging from Warsaw itself, the Duke patiently forms a tenable line of defense stretching from the River Nieman to the Carpathian Mountains and awaits the inevitable German counter-attacks.

With steadily reinforced German armies in the north,


. . . and the Austrians to the south,


. . . he can do little else.

In a letter to his wife he confides, "The mood of the troops has begun to change. They have become less disciplined and with each passing day it becomes more difficult to get them to fight. The regulars are being replaced by peasant rabble. A wretched lot, they ought to be working in the fields instead of fighting battles. If only Nicholas had done his part and kept Germany out of it we could most assuredly have handled the Austians. But alas, my nephew fails even as a lowly diplomat. Now he expects me to work miracles in undoing his mistakes." *

[*not an actual document]

For the first time in the war, Russian soldiers refuse to muster for an attack. It is only after all other forms of persuasion have been exhausted, including threats of summary execution, that the troops respond to a young private wearing a red patch on his lapel. He rises and says, "Comrades, just so they know it is not them we are fighting for!"

In the days following the Warsaw Offensive such red patches become more prevelant among the lower ranks. When asked what they are meant to symbolize, a university student who turned down a commision snaps to attention and answers, "It means we willingly shed our blood for Holy Russia, sir."

Satisfied with the answer, the elderly Czarist colonel nods, "God Bless and Protect our beloved Czar and the Romanov Dynasty. Good Lads, carry on, Heaven above looks after us all." He walks off with his staff, unaware of the bemused expressions of the young socialists he passes.


At last alarmed at the dangerous state of affairs in the East, the British and French launch their own drives against the German First and Sixth Armies on the northern and southern sectors of the front.



Despite heavy losses on both sides the offensives grind to a halt as the first snow begins falling.


Morale in the West is still high even after the futile bloodletting. After the fighting bandaged British Colonials smile for a photographer near Ypres.


[ May 04, 2003, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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December 12th 1914

In the west, the German 2nd, 3rd, and 5th armies launch a full scale counter-offensive against the French 6th Army knocking it down to 10% of its original strengh.

In the east, the German Armies in East Prussia reinforce after fierce fighiting with Russian forces. South of Warsaw, the Austro-Hungarian 1st, 2nd, and 3rd armies launch a attack on the Czar's Polish Guards (corps) and knocks it down to 20%.

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Fighting on both major fronts dies down by Christmas Eve 1914. As darkness descends troops in Belgium begin singing Christmas songs along both sides of the line and by midnight Germans and British have begun a spontaneous gathering in No-Man's Land . An undeclared truce develops in some sectors with officers joining their men.





Orders are sent from corps and army HQs on both sides to fire upon the fraternizing soldiers and are ignored. A soccer game is played between at least one opposing German and British unit.

As dawn arrives on the twenty-sixth of December 26th a universal signal is given along the trenchline; three slow pistol shots fired into the air.

And once again sharpshooters begin searching for targets; perhaps yesterdays friend.

link to article on The 1914 Christmas Truce

In the East, Grand Duke Nicholas shortens his salient prone Warsaw line, a blatant admission of excessive losses. The Czar is advised that the Great Danube Offensive has been postponed. A tentative activation date is not given.

Having grown tired of Rasputin's personal excesses and openly defeatest remarks, the Czar orders him back to Siberia despite the empassioned protests of his wife and other prominent Petrograd ladies. With nothing by bad news from the front and cold weather setting in Nicholas leaves with his family for the Crimean Estate and Palace.


What begins as a pleasant vacation turns into a nightmare when the hemophilic and sickly Czareivitch Alexi falls from a high fence while playing and descends into a coma. Feverish and limbs swollen from internal bleeding, the court physicians work frantically but soon agree that the boy has only a few days to live.


In desperation Nicholas summons Rasputin, the only person who has ever been able to bring Alexis back to hearlth. The Czar's own actions weigh heavily upon his consciense, for he knows that travelling from far off Siberia the holy man will be unable to arrive in time to save his son's life.


At the darkest hour, amidst grim funeral arrangements for Russian's only heir, a telegram arrives for the bereft parents.

"Little Father, Little Mother, do not worry, that which you fear shall not come to pass. Our beloved Alexi will soon be well. For you are all in my prayers and in my heart at all times.

-- Your Loving and Devoted Servant, Friend and Son,

Brother Gregory."

Within hours young Alexi awakens and is fully recovered even before the mystic's arrival.

With this miracle Rasputin becomes immovably centered in the Royal Court.

[Rasputin story is based on an actual incident and adapted from historical accounts.]

[ May 04, 2003, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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February 6th 1915

In the west, the German 2nd, 3rd, and 5th armies launch a second attack on the French 6th Army reducing it to 20%.

In the east, the German Army wins another victory over the Russians north of Warsaw when the Russian 1st Wilna Army is destroyed in combat. The Russian troops fought bravely but could not hold the line against superior German firepower.

In the Mediterranean, the Turkish Navy (cruiser) engages a British cruiser off the coast of Greece knocking it down to 60%.

[ May 05, 2003, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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11th March 1915

Your Imperial Majesty,

After sustaining insuferable casualties and having strained every available resource, the Army Group in Poland finds itself in danger of being outflanked and cut off by our enemies. This situation was brought about by the collapse of the Right Wing after bitter fighting south west of the River Nieman.

The Army will conduct a strategic withdrawl to positions East of Warsaw.

The Army is in desperate need of food and provisions of all kinds, including small arms ammunition. Our brave soldiers are also in need of weapons, especially machine guns, as well as reinforcements. The Army is also lacking medical personnel, particularly surgeons, and ambulences. This shortage has necessitated the abandonment of several thousand wounded left to the enemy's mercy in the city of Warsaw.

The Army is also deficient in heavy artillery and lacks ammunition even for the existing batteries.

Yours by the Grace of God,


General in Chief.


The first German patrols entering Warsaw are greeted by curious children from a local orphanage.


14th March 1915

Dear Uncle Nicholai,

We have received and read your letter with the deepest sorrow.

We are even now assembling volunteers to attend our gallant wounded and donations are being raised to fund an increased ambulance and medical corps.

I have been assured by our Allies that shipments of arms and military provisions are already enroute as well as many pieces of heavy ordinance.

We have complete faith that Warsaw will be liberated in the first Spring Offensive to be followed in short order by Vienna, Prague and Berlin!

Your Loving Nephew


-- *

From exile the Bolsheivik leader Leon Trotsky writes a circular that is widely distributed in the squalid Petrograd and Moscow working districts.


The corrupt and tyranical Romanov Czar has wasted a half million of our finest youth in a ruinous war desired by nobody.

You live in poverty and are worked to death while the autocrats move from Palace to Palace in an endless pursuit of pleasure.

The moment of Liberation will soon be at hand. Down with the Monarchy! Down with Czar! Down with All Autocrats the world over!

Soldiers Throw Down Your Rifles.

Workers Unite, Cast Off Your Manacles, Strike! Strike! Strike!*


[*based on insurrectionist pamphlets]

[ May 05, 2003, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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March 20th 1915

In the west, for the 3rd time the German 2nd, 3rd, and 5th launch an attack on the reinforced French 6th Army knocking it back down to 20%.

In the east, the Russian Army conducts a strategic withdrawl to positions East of Warsaw. The German Army quickly secures Warsaw and sets up a defensive perimeter around the city while the they reinforce and resupply.

In the Mediterranean, the Turkish Navy (cruiser) is attacked by the French battleship Bovet while in Athens Harbor and is forced to disengage from battle.

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4th April 1915

Your Majesty,

The German and Austrian Ambassadors have petitioned my office with demands that we honor what they claim is a binding agreement on our part to enter the present conflict immediately on behalf of the Central Powers.

In exchange for which the Imperial German and Austrian Governments offer us the annexation of the cities of Nice and Toulon from the French as well as the French possessions of Corsica and Tunesia, contingent upon the defeat of that nation.

The British and French Ambassadors have offered vast quantities of military supplies upon our entry in the war in alliance with Triple Entente and have guaranteed the annexation of numerous Islands in the Eastern Mediteranean from the Ottoman Empire and vast tracts of the Adriatic Coastal region upon the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

We patiently await your decision on these matters.

Your Dutiful Advisor .....

15th April 1915

No significant action on either front. The French and Russian Armies replace losses and hold existing positions.

Royal Navy Battleships bombard German positions sw of Antwerp while cancelling the offloading of accompanying amphibious forces.

Minor activity in the Caucasus Mountains between Russian and Ottoman army corps. First appearance of Russian Black Sea Fleet in bombardment of Ottoman coastal positions.

His Imperial Majesty, King George V, has been advised today of the invasion of the British Protectorate of Jordan by forces of the Ottoman Empire.

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April 17th 1915

No engagements reported in the west.

In the east, the German and Austro-Hungarian Armies launch a full-scale offensive into Russia, the Russians lose no units but take moderate losses.

In the Middle East, the Ottoman 1st and 2nd Armies engage British colonial and Australian forces around the Suez Canal, Australian forces take heavy loses.

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1st May, 1915

No action on the Western Front.

Defensive positions reinforced in the Ukrain where a massive German/Austrian Spring Offensive is expected to ensue.

British Troops withdraw from the Jordan / Palestine region into Egypt.

5 May, 1915

Fr: King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy

to: Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany.

Dear William,

I have recently been advised as to your country's desire for Italy to immediately join the Central Powers in it's fight against the three nation alliance. While Italy may enter this cause in the future, it must be understood that there are no immediate plans for our joining this war at the present time.

Regarding Italy's obligation to do so, I have advised our friend Franz Joseph that we agreed to a mutual devensive pact. As this war was begun by Austria and in regard to an issue which in no way involves either the Italian Government or the Italian people, I must be of the position that Italy's agreement has been made null by the actions of Austria-Hungary against Serbia.

This in no manner ought to affect the good relations and fellowship between ourselves and our people.

Yours in sincere friendship,


Meanwhile, crossing in the mail . . ..

Fr: His Imperial Majesty King George V

To: His Majesty King Victor Emmanuel III.

Dear Victor,

It is with great relief that we are told your decision to enter the current conflict on or about 1st June of the current year.

As you know, Britain has a proud tradition of standing beside it's friends and severely chastening it's enemies.

Our cause is just, the Emperor Franz Joseph sought to subjegate the minority Balkan peoples and his ally, Wilhelm of Germany, has invaded with extreme ruthless barbarity the peace loving and neutral nation of Belgium, a sovereign state whose boundries he was, as I myself along with France, obligated to defend!

That the Ottoman Sultan should also join in this aggressive activity, seeking to acquire tracts of land rightfully belonging to our Russian Ally, as well as the recent seizure of the Holy Land, is most repugnant to civilized peoples everywhere.

Such villainy can not, indeed must not, be allowed to go unpunished.

Your Friend and Ally,

George. *

[*not actual documents]

The Man Behind the Conflagration, Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary


[ May 06, 2003, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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May 15th 1915

In the western front th German 2nd, 3rd, and 5th launch an attack on the reinforced French 6th Army knocking it down to 20%.

In the Ukraine, the German 7th, 9th, and 10th armies attack the Russian 4th Army knocking it down to 20%. South of that, the Austro-Hungarian 2nd and 3rd armies engage and destroy the Russian 5th Army.

In the Middle East, the Ottoman 1st and 2nd armies attack the British Colonial Force as it retreats across the Suez Canal knocking it down to 20%.

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22 May, 1915

In the West, the decimated French Fifth Army falls back and is replaced north of Paris by the Seventh. Along the Channel coast British Warships bombard exposed German positions between Flanders and Antwerp.

On the Eastern Front Grand Duke Nicholas withdraws his battered army further east into the Ukraine.

In Egypt the nearly destroyed British Colonial Army falls back behind the guns of the Royal Navy as it mercilessly pummels the pursuing Ottoman Turks.


Other British Colonials land north of Beirut and establish a beach-head before moving inland.


Once ashore, the hearty Anzacs begin moving inland along rough rocky ridges where goat paths are the only roads.

25 May, 1915

. . . And so it is that the Nation of Italy, by Decree of His Royal Highness, King Victor Emannuel the Third, Declares War upon the Aggressor Governments of Austria-Hungary, Germany and the Ottoman Empire. . . .

[ May 07, 2003, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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June 12th 1915

No engagements reported in the west.

In the east, German forces stop to reinforce and resupply while Austro-Hungarian forces advance deeper into the Ukraine.

In the Middle East, the Ottoman 2nd Army catches the British cruiser H.M.S. Gloucester in port and sends it the bottom. Meanwhile, British forces secure a beachhead north of Beirut.

On the newly created Italian front, the Germany Army quickly secures the Italian-German border.

[ May 07, 2003, 02:33 AM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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1st June, 1915

Despite determined but scattered attacks by mountain battalians on both sides, the Italian Front settles into a deadlock.

No major actions in France and no new Actions in Russia except for an attack by the Black Sea Squadron upon the Turkish Cruiser Squadron in which the outclassed Russian vessels inflicted damage but were bested by the Ottomans.

To the south, British Forces surrounded Beirut, Syria, assaulted it with several units and bombarded it from the Sea, but failed to captured the city.


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