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Cane Toad

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I'm impressed. I've been reading this forum for a few weeks since a mate of mine told me about THE game. I've had my nose stuck in the demo since I downloaded it and I'm finding it hard to think of anything else. At work I sit and doodle battle plans on scrap pieces of paper instead of doing my real work. When I get home I log onto this forum to read all the new topics from cover to cover. I'd logon at work but it's a hanging offence. My kids are saying I'm addicted, but I can't understand why, hangon whilst I run down to the letter box again........

I'm back, still not there, I'll go back down in 5 minutes and check again. Can't be far away now.

Where was I, oh yeah, I've been totally blown away by the support that is being given to this game by Battlefront and the interesting comments made by the gamers. Keep up the good work.

And also this would have to be a first, Australians and New Zealanders are receiving a game before a lot of other countries. Oh yeah, way to go.

From you brother downunder.

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