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about russian troops during barabrossa


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i think that the russian troops are a bit too experienced in the bigining of the barabrossa scenario considering that stalin executed half of the officers few years before?

plus not enouht quality air unit for the germans

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This has been discussed many times during the past year though I'm not sure which keywords should be used to find the threads they occurred in.

My own view is that the Soviet army, if flung into a preventive war against Germany wouldn't have fought very well. It's morale would have been low, it's supply system unequal to the task and it's leadership too decimated by the purges.

What's more, after a few reversals it's morale would have plumetted and I think the population as a whole would have taken on an early war weariness. It's also my feeling that Stalin realized this and had no desire to become another Nicholas the Second.

The lack of HQs in the starting OOB only partially makes up for this, as they can be purchased right away and placed near the front lines. It has to be remembered that, logistically, the Soviets had tremendous problems as they moved west despite having many thousands of U. S. manufactured trucks, which they wouldn't have had in preventive war situation.

In game terms, I think a good option would be to have the Soviet Army, in such a DoW situation, fight at half stregnth beyond it's starting borders. This could be increased, say in 1942, to 70% and in 1943, when presumably it would have been war-ready through it's own efforts, it would be at 100%.

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I do belive JerseyJohn is correct. The chaos within the Soviet command structure was enough of a problem to lead Stalin to go to great lengths to avoid any kind of war involving Germany. His military's experience in Finland must have scared the heck out of him and the fact that he had to repatriate some of the purged officers from the Gulags to fight the Nazis is proof of his desparation.

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