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How is the AI in SC?

David Chapuis

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I have played this game for several months now, and because of my peculiar computer set up, can only play it at home against AI. Here are my observations:

1. The AI is easy to "sucker punch" and rarely does anything unexpected. If it does "get creative," it's usually easily beaten. (He's only a computer after all)

2. Playing as Axis against Allied AI a human should win nearly every time. As Allies you should win "most" of the time.

3. Adjusting the settings to "expert" and "experience bonus +2" makes the AI significantly more competative, but the games move much more slowly. The AI will capitalize on any "technical" mistakes you make and destroy units--and they're a lot harder to replace cuz you don't have many MPPs.

4. The AI is an excellent way to get the hang of the game. Play a game or two with "fog of war" OFF, and watch how AI executes attacks, and where he (?) places HQ units. It's a good illustration of basic SC techniques (at least it's worked for me).

5. The game is VERY worthwhile played against AI if you enjoy the idea of trying out different strategic approaches ("what if the Germans attack Russia right after Poland," etc.). I've had hours of enjoyment from it, and it hasn't yet got stale.

6. There are scenario updates (or you can tweak your own) that are designed for human vs. AI play. You can give the little fella a handicap, as it were, with the scenario editor.

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